
What do you think of European immigrants imposing cultural genocide on Native Americans upon arrival?

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I am talking about their immigration to the "new land."




  1. A symptom of empire is the dehumanization people go through, they dehumanize others and themselves so they can live with the awful truth and hopefully forget it someday.

    The americans living on the graves of of natives must dehumanize the image and the memory of the original inhabitants because it is too hard to think of these bones as real people with emotions and loved ones. Compare it to that movie "a time to kill" where the lawyer says "now imagine she's white".

    9/11 is a clear example, if it had been natives killed, it would have just been history repeating itself and we wouldnt even have a national discussion or any attention given to it, and yeah there were other races that died, but it was the image of the "white" professionals jumping and burning that got  american attention and a lot of people in Iraq killed just because they're brown and fit the profile.

    To this day the genocidal mindset persists because the  euro's that are racist consider themselves more evolved than everybody because their greed drives them to invention adventure.

    when europe was dominated by mediterranean empire it flipped a switch and some of the humanity was lost.What had been done to them, became the new lifestyle and the original communal and civil ways were lost in the interest of profit and corporate structure.

    Power struggles are a condition of humanity as well as resource wars. Its the civility of compromise and community that seperates the human from the beast. The Natives were cautious and protective, but trusting  of these bible thumpers, and for what?

    It wasnt conquest, it was deceit. That is the embarrassing fact of the u.s. The american colonists were subjects of an empire and learned the principles of freedom and equality from the Indigenous, and then  punished  the native population for not wanting to be subjugated by the american empire.

    the problem with empire is its always the same power structures that take it over, no matter the name or original founding principles, then the dehumanization begins.

    Racism is driven by fear. The natves did not fear the euro.'s they welcomed them.The euro's did not defeat the natives they murdered them.

    The natives knew of the people across the ocean, they were always expecting the return of the the lost cousins, what was unexpected was the inhumanity and goldlust that got so many killed.The history books dont mention this because it makes the so-called modern thinkers of the time look as ignorant as they were. Seriously, killin in the name of J.C.?

    Indigenous people had hundreds of years to kill all invaders, but have strict orders from their spiritualty to not live that way.

    Yes there were wars and strife, thats part of being human too. it is the structure and hate of the american holocaust that makes it unique, even to this day the natives are seen as undeserving of their own lands. the dehumanizing of the image of "indians" is still perpetuated to this day through mascots, and its the indifference of "americans" that signals the racist undertones of the society we live in today, not long long ago, today, now.

    The manifest destiny mindset is some real hitler type thinking and needs to be examined by every generation to protect people from suffering in this way again.

    Imagine all those trails of tears, now imagine they're white.

  2. There were no written languages among the first settlers.  Many of those first settler tribes had very bright people in them and 'culture' as you suggest, did not exist.  There was an enormous pragmatic method to the conduct of my second people with an implementation of religion as they saw religion to be.  

    It requires a HUGE amount of land to feed Hunter Gatherers.  While many saw this country as bountiful, and while it was in some places, the first settlers had over populated the land.  To many people, and finding food was becoming very difficult.  Further, finding food in ..another.. tribes traditional hunting lands was becoming as difficult.  The tribes were starving to death because 'Hunter Gathers' could not be sustained in this country.  Left alone, they would have killed each other off, or starved to death, until the number of people could deal with the land as it was.

    Cultural Genocide comes when people no longer use the culture, or want the culture.  Many European Immigrants adopted parts of the first settler cultures, but that type of culture simply could not sustain itselve.  It was a way of life that could not exist in this presumably bountiful land, ... or the world.  It is a way of life that cannot sustain itself on the tribal lands that exist today.  The casinos, for example, are the difference between starving and welfare and some level of affluence on many of the tribal lands.

  3. I think they won the land by conquest.  Deal with it and stop whining about it hundreds of years later.  The persistent wailing and gnashing of teeth suggest that perhaps that genocide would have been a better alternative.  

    See what mercy gets you?  Nothing but grief.

  4. Not much.

  5. Wow you are all incredibly one dimensional? Forget about the past? Then lets forget all the wars, the holocaust, the nuclear bombs. What those European fatboys did 400 years ago still affects Native Americans today. You dont see Natives practicing their cultures openly anymore, do you? And their population has dropped in numbers. So dont tell me the past dont matter. Ask any Jewish holocaust survivor and they'll they u why.

    - So simply, the european immigrants that first came here are probably burning in h**l

  6. According to what some people say here, not important

    They say that there were no laws then

  7. sure stopped them from killing one another all the time!

  8. Native Americans even killed each other then!

    I understand how the Natives felt, considering I am part Native and stories have been passed down in my family, but you certainly have your history mixed up.

    At least the Europeans learned to speak English!

  9. steel_shoes2001, your not right about the English killing part, the English protected native Americans, after they fully colonized the 13 colonies. however, the whining colonist decided they wanted to be there own dumb nation, and won the revolutionary war, then allowed slavery(which England prohibited) and drove the real  Americans off there land!

    I have a little native American in me, so i feel horrible about it!

    The U.S. still hasn't apologized to the native Americans about anything, and they defiantly should apologize for the Trail of Tears.

  10. What do you think of Aztec imposing cultural genocide and slavery and human sacrificies besides

    requesting a quota of slave from the rest of the conquered Mexican Indians tribes to be eaten

    Do you like it

    What about the Maya use of sacrifice and cannibalism

    OR the Incas slavering the Aymara and the rest

    plus imposing their culture over the one of their defeated rivals.

    The members of the Kingdom of Quito

  11. Not much they blend in.

    Unlike Mexicans who want Mexico in America.

    At least Europeans learn English!

  12. I think like stated above, we need to thank those Europeans for the great life we have today and building the greatest nation on earth that so many want to come to they are willing to do it illegally.

    I think your mommy and daddy need to explain to you what genocide really means, maybe it means something different in Mexico that what it really is, who knows.

  13. Well, yes, they are doing the same thing that Mexico may be attempting to do to the USA.

    The GOOD news for the Native Americans is that they fought back. Sadly, they lost as they were not united and unfit to push away the mongrel Puritan hordes. Not did they have the technology.

    If Americans sit on their hands and allows the same thing to happen to them by their Southern neighbor. KUDOS to their neighbors. And a spit in the eye to those that lead us and allow this. The USA has the tools, has the awareness but it's leaders lack the guts to lead and protect their own.

    The USA doesn't deserve what it calls it's own if it won't protect it.

    To the victor go the spoils.

    That's what I think.

  14. I think that you failed history class.

    And history is just that, history so I could care less.  We are not destine to repeat it.

  15. And what do you think about the Mexicans' (Olmecs, Toltecs, Aztecs) committing human sacrifice and cannibalism until the Spaniards came?

  16. It was largely the British and typical of their colonizing methods around the world.  Kill and drive out non English natives.  

    The French simply added a new level to their caste structure and traded peacefully, living, often, among the indians.  

    The Spanish, mongrels that they are, simply backed the biggest gangs, wiped out the others, then turned on their allies and bred with them until their own culture was practically non existant.  

    Scandinavians and Germans came to live in peace to themselves away from religious persecution and a little famine back home.  

    Slavs came to escape war and famine in their own homelands, and Celts came under pressure and oppression of the British, and the potato famine.  I'm part Celt and Slav, but i think the French were the most advanced- Look at the HUGE territory that Canada gave back to the Indians in Eastern Canada...bigger than many U.S. states.

    What are your thoughts?

    Captnest, my apologies..forced resettlement was the British's favored method, like most of the colonials, including Georgia, an indentured servant colony, and Australia, a prison colony, and most of the Highlanders being resettled to as far away as Canada in the 1700s.  But they never did consider any of these people equals in any sense and usually forced people onto lands that could barely sustain them, thus lowering their ability to revolt.  The Brits were not straight murderers, agreed, but the were brutal oppressors.  With them, it was really more cultural genocide.  One King, one language, one church- Rule Brittania!  Considere the forced adoption of thousands of native Australians by the British Commonwealth white Australians.  Their position was that the race could not survive and must be saved through adoption into their culture.  True story, and something that was only recently acknowledged and apologized for.  Thousands of children looking for their parents, and vice versa.

    Good insight, though.  I salute you.

  17. They were ignorant and thought they owned the world . They thought they were civilized and God fearing .

    They were wrong and we know it today .

  18. well i think that indeed it made america what it is today without them

    Thousnads of Indians would be alive

    Diseases of many kind would have not been introduced

    Many animals will still roam

    Mother nature in the us would not be dead or mad

    Less global warming

    indeed a lot less negative but at the same time some positive came

    like an expansion of not only one culture or language but many and what could have been a united country of world immigrants

    sadly they view MOSTLY hard working immigrants now as the ones that want to impose their culture when they were the ones that originally KILLED one

    why fight over one culture when we can have many?

  19. Not much really. Native Americans were already killing each other for land and horses. Why are you targeting Europeans? You sound racist.

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