
What do you think of France and French people?

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Terry, have you been to France?




  1. I will be visiting France and Italy during the first two weeks af June. I love foreign languages so i decided to put them to use. France looks beautiful. I've heard the people are rude, like around the big tourist cities.

  2. great

  3. If you speak some French, you will find that some nice French ppl will answer your question in English.  One of the other respondents said that French ppl are lazy in learning languages.  Once on an Air France flight from Paris to Munich, I was shocked to see that none of the flight attendants spoke any German. I would have thought that they would have learned a few phrases.  French ppl have a culture that is different from American and British culture, but they are still westerners and there is some common ground.  Most Americans can enjoy French food and I believe that most French ppl would enjoy an American steak or seafood dinner.  One hint:  if you are going to France, please do not call French ppl by their first names unless they say it's ok (students tend to be more relaxed in using first names with ppl they just met).

  4. Cold arrogant and rude but once you get know some of them very cool to hang out with, never generalize.

  5. are they different......????

  6. Ok, I'm french too.

    People are people and s**t happens everywhere !

    French people are not better nor worse than any others , they just welcome over 75 million visitors a year, so statistically, there must be some s**t sometimes !

    Almost in stressed period -like those bad times we all have had since sept.11 :-((

    But for sure France is a nice place to visit or to stay !

    I travel a lot and I'm allways happy when I return...I allways say :"what at nice place, good to be back !"

    Hummm I live in Nice, makes sence ;-)))

  7. France is a great country,the french people

    are out of this world ,I lived over there the life of a local in Paris ,I also traveled to the south

    To be very honest it was a great time.

  8. after ten years of traveling there and back and finally living there for 3 plus years-love the country, love the people-sad to be here!

  9. nice

  10. As a French I can only be proud on my country and my fellow French guys and girls (^_^).

    Well in fact everything is not perfect just like in every country in the world. France is still the number one destination for foreign tourists but we are quite rude to them from what i heard and read here. That needs to be changed.

    France has :

    - beautiful scenaries : rivers, lakes, mountains, beaches, plains

    - excellent food and no not only frogs' legs and snails. We also have cheese, bead, vine...

    - lots of places to visits be it in Paris or outside Paris : historical sites, museums, churches...

    - French women of course (^_^)

    French people : rude but not if you get to know them, suck at learning foreign languages, lazy, friendly

  11. i loved it..

    the people are not anything like what most americans say.. to tell you the truth i would rather be there than here

  12. Being French myself I feel that most foreign people have been given a bad rap. Americans can be just as rude as they say Europeans are.

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