
What do you think of Freiburg University?

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Is it true that it's one of the best universities in Germany?

I want to study Sociology and someone suggested this uni in particular. I'd like to hear your honest opinion.

Also, is it expensive?




  1. It's reputed as one of the top three universities of the field in Germany.

    There's a Studiengebühr of 500 Euros per Semester starting from summer 2007. If you have extraordinary grades, you can be freed from the Studiengebühr.

    Additionally, there's a fee of 40 Euros per semeseter for adminstrative costs, and 40-70 Euros for membership in a Studentenwerk.

  2. In Baden Wüthenberg they started last year to habe the "Studentengebühr", it costs 500 euro every semester... other states that also have this fee are Bayern and Nordrhein-Westfalen. In some, like berlin, brandenburg, thüring and mecklemburg vorpommern the unis are still free... I mean, you pay a tax of about 260€ a year that also includes insuraces and semester ticket for all the public transport...

    The University of Freiburg belongs surely to one of the best in Germany, a well as Tübingen and Heidelberg, althrough in your case, sociology, I stress le Humboldt Uni in Berlin, the most intersting city in germany.

    Remember that all the unis in germany are public.

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