
What do you think of French people?

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What do you think of French people?




  1. J'aime les français, excepté les serveurs français. Ils sont les personnes les plus grossières au monde. Ayez un jour splendide !!

  2. they have paris and i am jealous.

    they are nice, but conceited.

  3. what kind of question is that ???

  4. Zey have...howzoosay?...zee veri large ego.

    I can't blame them for being full of themselves, they have done some pretty cool stuff, although honestly they're kind of living off the past, they haven't done much recently except inflict postmodernism on the world while seething with jealousy at the United States.

  5. You have the answer, man: they're FRENCH!, you know what I mean ;)

  6. Very s**y!

    They invented the French kiss!

  7. french fries are good

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