
What do you think of GUYS who like the jonas brothers?

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What are you opinions about them, do you think they should be ashamed, etc?




  1. Ummmmm....... not g*y but if i seen them in a compromising position that could make me quesiton there being g*y then....... maybe lolz. I mean JBs to me is for da females, there like New Kids On the Block a male group specifically for females to get really in to. But whatever music a person may like is there buisness, like what u like no matter what anyone says including me! lolz, but yeah they would b kinda questionable.  

  2. no they shouldn't be ashamed. they are probably the sweet sensitive caring guy all the girls want in their life. or they are g*y.  

  3. g*y

  4. no the shouldn't it aslo gives something to talk about with his GF!

  5. I love the Jonas Brothers, and so what if a guy likes them.. Their music is really good! :]

  6. I Like Jonas Brothers. If a guy likes their music its all good. We all have music in common no matter if its pop, rock. Guys can love it too.  

  7. not if they're g*y.

  8. Listening to a paticular band or singer doesnt make you g*y.

    i listen to heavy metal and hip hop but sometimes i even listen to alicia keys and mariah carey.

    love there voices ! i couldnt give a s_hit if ppl call me g*y.

    its what you like

  9. no! the jbs' rock!

  10. they are g*y and should kill themselves i bet you like them you freak

  11. lol i would LOVE for my boyfriend to like the Jonas Brothers,

    we could go to a concert together and he would like their music like i do.

    But if he thought they were hott or s**y, i wouldnt like that.

    That means your g*y or bi

  12. I think the Jonas brothers are a really bad imitation of our guilty pleasure boy-bands (ie, The Backstreet Boys).

    Anyone who likes them needs to have a REAL music experience. For girls it's a little more acceptable, I mean Joe is cute. But for guys??? Guys who like the Jonas brothers need to get a hobby and a new pair!

  13. its ok but they are more of a boy band like the backstreet boys not a whole lota guys liked them...

  14. I'd laugh in their face  

  15. No that's the same thing as a girl liking like miley cyrus and other girl singers in less you mean like as in ....... in love type like

    But I dont see a big deal in it

  16. yucky!

    i hate the jonas brothers their music sucks and girl obviously only like them for their looks, if they were ugly do you think they would be this nig with girls crazy for them ?

    id be freaked out about a guy fan of them ...

  17. welll, i must say that i am absolutely in love with the jonas brothers... so if a guy said that he liked them, i would probably like make out with them right then and there. hahahaha jk, but seriously, any guy that is comfortable enough with himself  to admit that he likes an all guy group on disney channel is automatically in with me. :)

  18. i think its okay, i personally dont care for them but if you like them its your own opinion and people should value that

  19. I think it is hot, if they can admit it.

  20. g*y rockers

  21. I dint think it matters guys aren't obsessed about the jonas brothers like girls but if they do well that's there problem most straight guy probably just like a few of there songs so who cares  

  22. i think people no matter if they are guys or girls should like any music group or any kind of music they want ..

    i know guys who like the Jonas Brothers, they are straight,teen and normal guys lol :]

  23. I think it doesn't matter. I don't really know why guys are ashamed of it. It doesn't make you girly.

    Just because tons of people think the Jonas Brothers are hot, doesn't demean their music. They're a good band, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

  24. So what?

    Is this what the world has come to?

    They think guys are g*y because they like a band?

    I don't think the guys who like the Jonas Brothers should be ashamed..

    I think other people should be ashamed that they treat them like they're g*y just for liking a band..

  25. I'd say nothing. Thats their opinion and they're entitled to it, right?

  26. Whats wrong with that? People all have their own different taste in music.

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