
What do you think of Gordon Ramsey calling for season food law?

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  1. Personally...I likes a bit of seasoning on me food...

  2. Or tea.

    And we wouldn't eat much in mid winter, would we?  Only foods that could survive cold storage or things like flour, oats, barley, etc.

  3. good on him - he's trying to bring back fresh natural food

  4. The day he stops flying round the world to do TV shows is the day that I might start listening to him.

  5. That would be crazy. It would suddenly create a black market in unseasonal or exotic food. Our inner cities would be blighted by banana pushers on street corners! Seriously though it would hit the third world producers hard if they suddenly lost their export market and it would reduce the quality of diet for British people.

    Global warming can be reduced with new green technology. I'm fed up with the kill joys who want to take civilization back a couple of centuries to save the planet. They just lack the imagination to come up with better solutions.

  6. I haven't followed the full story but in principle I am pretty much in support of him, except that I think positive changes are better brought about by a change in the individual consciousness rather than legislation, which only wastes a lot of money and makes people rebellious.  It is obviously absurd to demand things like fruit out of season given the present global oil and general resources situation, so I would urge people to chomp on their wholemeal rusks and hope that a few blackberries and strawberries grow before Wimbledon.

  7. Does he not think we've got enough legislation?

  8. Let's see him try and produce varied menus using seasonal foods for a WHOLE year! And try to to get fussy eaters to eat it! I think broccoli is in season now, but my hubby isn't keen on it much. We mustn't forget the effect broccoli has on us!

  9. He will do anything for publicity.

  10. Not a bad idea, but restaurant goers are a bit more sophisticated these days and want to eat what they want when they it will fail. and who are we helping, we import a lot of fruit, veg, etc from poorer countries who can supply them outside the British 'seasons' so they will suffer as well.

  11. He could dub himself a Man for all Seasons!

  12. He's got his opinion, and it seems to have a bit of sense in it- after all, getting goods here out of season requires air freighting it in, which doesn't seem to make sense when there are other seasonal foods to be had. On the other hand, tackling it at the restaurant level seems to be dodging the issue a little. If people want eg Kenyan strawberries in March, and they can't get them at a restaurant, then they will buy them from another outlet. Not all restaurants provide Gordon's level of cuisine either, expecting lower level providers to dish up seasonal food could be a bit of a nonsense.

    I doubt there's any serious hope of this coming through anyway, it's not quite necessary enough, so maybe the man's just blowing his own trumpet.

  13. nothing will come of it - can you really imagine the powers of the supermarkets agreeing to this.

  14. i like junk food.  i think HE should only serve burgers and fries in his restaurants

    my point - nobody has the right to tell other people how to run their business, not even gordon "i think im god" ramsay

    if hes so concerned about air miles maybe he should not holiday abroad or film another series of h***s kitchen USA ever again


  15. He won't succeed.

    I really like him, but this is just too far.  If you don't want to eat food out of season, don't go to the restaurants that serve them.

    It's simple really.

    What ever happened to choice?

    Imagine the cost eventually? Families may no longer be able to afford a meal out for all of them. Do restaurant owners really want to jeopardise their custom?

    Nah, it won't happen.

  16. Great idea, its how it use to be.

  17. I think when there many people starving to death, we should be grateful for food, regardless and I think there are more important things to concern ourselves with than his 'pockets'...

  18. i think its about time something was done ..

    we force grow everything out of season and its wrong

  19. Here is a man and his wife who wrote all the cookbooks with out of season ingredients.....To use one of his expressions - so often used on TV.

    Eff off Gordon...

  20. if punters didn't want it, they wouldn't order and eat it

    he wasn't good enough for glasgow rangers first team, and he's not good enough to join my brigade either

  21. I don't think that would be practical for some of the reasons given above, but what I do think is that supermarkets and wholesalers should be made to buy local produce first before being supplied by foreign countries e.g apples, grapes, potatoes etc. That way our local produce growers would be able to earn a decent living, and countries who supply the more exotic fruits and veg would not lose out.

    It's about time this country started putting our own people first.

  22. The guy is talking of of his ar*e.  Just another band wagon to jump on now its fashionable.  A couple of years ago, he would have been one of the first to use exotic out of season ingredients to get his name known.  I for one am sick to the back teeth of folks trying to ban things and telling me and mine  what  we should or should not do.  We have only ever bought local stuff in season - it tastes better and is usually cheaper, but if folks want to buy other stuff then they should have the right too - otherwise another very healthy little black market industry will appear.

  23. i think Gordon Ramsey is awesome he really knows what he is talking about when it comes to the restaurant business

  24. No.

    Just because food is "local" (and how do you define that?), does not mean it is of good quality.  I would prefer restaurants to source their food from the best quality supplier, wherever that may be.  This will encourage local suppliers to better their product and compete.

    Frankly, I am sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot do.  I am an adult and would like the opportunity to make my own mind up.

  25. We still import beans from Africa even when they are in season here.Sometimes it is impossible to buy British produce,for instance in prolonged periods of extreme weather.He lives and works in London and has access to supplies that are simply not available in most of the country.

  26. an excellent idea in the main

  27. Not overly keen on Mr Ramsey, but I do sort of agree here - stop all the flamin air miles that are done bringing all this stuff in and start using local produce more.  And remember that half of the stuff you buy at Tesco's is a couple of years old and has been in storage - yak - would far rather have fresh!

  28. i BLAME THE FEMINAZIA and the Liberals!


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