
What do you think of Heather Mills pouring water over the Barristers head in Court?

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What do you think of Heather Mills pouring water over the Barristers head in Court?




  1. It was pointless

  2. I think maybe she is a drama queen

  3. A bit of a silly thing to do, but I bet she felt great after it.

    I think the Court showed great dignity in basically ignoring it. Take it any further and it gets even sillier

  4. She should be done for contempt of court.

  5. Let herself down. The public have now seen what exactly she is about.

    The Barrister concerned should actually sue her in court for assault, but whether she will or not who knows.

    If the Barrister had poured the water over Mills' head then she would not have hesitated in suing.

    There u have it. Mills.

    Greedy, grasping, shrew-like person

  6. It does not matter how much money you have or how famous you are - scratch the surface of a trollop and the gutter shines through.  I read on teletext this morning sorry, can't put up a link) that Ms MIlls had booked herself onto a first class flight - and her child onto ANOTHER flight in ECONOMY!

  7. I wish I'd had the nerve to when the judge gave me the custody of the children but ordered ME to pay HIM maintenance

  8. Yesterday's news. (If you can call it news)

  9. I think that the barrister should have sued the idiot.  

    In English law  touching another person in anger is PHYSICAL ASSAULT and actionable.  I would sue Heather for a few thousand just for the heck of it plus legal/court costs of course.  An out of court settlement, of course.... after all the barrister would have that High Court judge as her witness so not much contesting from Heather  Mills.

  10. It was contempt of court.

  11. Good on her! Go for it girl!

  12. Shes clearly unbalanced

  13. The subsequent hairstyle actually suited the barrister

  14. Clearly, its assault. Charge her. Fine her. Lock her up.

  15. Wow, she really did that?  She should've gotten even less money........

  16. Ah thats funny

    Showed her true colours there.

    I dont know why she is so upset I would have shagged him myself fot that money

  17. I think she is a mad woman god knows how paul never spotted it BEFORE he married her

  18. I'm surprised she wasn't threatened with being in contempt of court

  19. i feel sorry for her child that woman has no dignity

  20. Lol stephj anyone who needs £40,000 for wine a year and has only one leg is cleary unbalanced.

  21. Childish and petulant

  22. I think she is just an ill mannered moron.

  23. I think she was very upset.

  24. I think she has shown her true colours,the judge should have had her put  in the cells for contempt of court

  25. I wish the judge hadn`t been back in chambers.

  26. Wot a cow.  she thinks she has been hard done to. she got 25 mil for god sake, 25 mil, we could all do with being that skint.

  27. Chav.

  28. I thought it  was hilarious. She's got balls that woman has.

  29. Please don't try to understand how cows behave - pointless!

  30. shows how daft she really is  wot a wierdo poor palul bet he regrets the dad he meet her

  31. Showed her up for what she is - that plus the judge's summing up.

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