
What do you think of Heterosexuals who are Homophobic?

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narrow minded, unintelligent, bigoted, stupid, or fantasising?

Like Shady for example. Which one of the above is he?

Why do some people get into a rant about what others, complete strangers, and nothing to do with them, get up to in private?




  1. I think Shady might just be genuinely curious and very inexperienced with people and their sexuality.

    In general, homophobes baffle me. Why on earth do they care what other people get up to behind closed doors? Unless they're scared of being hit on by someone of their own s*x - or scared of NOT being hit on by someone of their own s*x - it is none of their business and makes no sense.

  2. They are just idiots, but are you sure Shady is one and not just trying to wind people up?

  3. Personally i don't think about them.Only people who have no life have so much interest in anothers. Who gives a feck what people do in the bedroom?

  4. well to an extent they have a point...

    not that i have a problem, but they're entitled to their opinion, as you are.

  5. why do you think a difference of opinion makes someone a homophobe???

    shoving your life choices on others is can live however you choose but you do not deserve special treatment for doing so.

    judging others as homophobes because they do not endorse or support or choose to live a g*y lifestyle is homophobic!!!

    ignoring the facts does not change them no matter how popular lies are.

    i am a Christian and i believe what GOD has clearly stated about homosexuality as well as other sexual immorality and what he thinks of it! GOD has declared men with men or women with women is an abomination in his sight!!

    GOD does love all of us and yes he wishes to save us from sin and its many forms BUT you are not saved if you continue to live in sin no matter what that sin may be!!

    GOD has not changed! his ways are higher and holier than ours,the same GOD who destroyed SODOM (SODOMY??) and GOMORRAH (GONORRHEA) because of the rampant homosexuality and widespread depravity and total indifference to GOD and his authority and acceptance of such abominations , is the same GOD who is still in charge today!.these are still the issues cannot accept such things as just a choice or being politically correct, to accept it would be to condone it which makes any one as guilty as the person choosing to live in this manner.

    it is a personal choice ,we all make them every day but there are consequences and people need to remember that!

    live however you wish allow others the same courtesy!!!

    who is really narrow minded,unintelligent,bigoted,stupid or fantasizing???

    is it ok for you to label others like this who are not g*y??? but you could cry if someone said that describes you and other g**s or lesbians???

    i do not dislike any one whom chooses this life but i would be wrong to not point out that it is an abomination to GOD, that said you can choose whatever you will.i have done my part by not lying to you.

    GOD bless you and all of us!

  6. ignorance and/or insecurity.  

  7. We all descriminate between what is familiar and what is not, to deny this is to lie. People who are homophobic should not be given a hard time, they are right to be.

  8. they should be shot.

  9. Same reason that you've just gone into a rant about someone else's opinion (which they're entitled to hold).  I imagine Shady's a stranger to you too.

  10. I think they are all of the above narrow minded, unintelligent, bigoted, stupid, jeez people need to get over it, shock horror there are g**s in the world big bl@@dy deal get with the program guys.

  11. It natural to be repelled by people who are unlike you. Indeed, some homos hate heteros for their too-straight lifestyle.

  12. To each their own, some people are not as open minded as you and me.

    They are narrow minded if they do not have alot of life experience.

    They are unintelligent if they have not been educated.

    Bigoted and stupid is really the same reasons as above, and fantasising because their own lives are hideously boring.

    Sean B - What's a homoPHONE?

    Sounds exciting, I want one.

  13. I don't think many are really.  What I really think is that many Heterosexuals don't understand and some times ask questions and why should their questions be answered?

  14. Stupid, I'd say. I hate people who are prejudicial towards others, just because they are different. Why would it disrupt their lives if two men or two women were in love with each other? I'd think fantasizing too.  People who aren't sure about their sexuality might be defensive, and act like they hate g*y people, so as to take their own problems away and make it seem like they know exactly their sexual orientation...Just a thought.

  15. my other half is very homophobic and it does p**s me off at times, especially when he makes comments if he see's a same s*x couple in public

    He's not unintelligent, just very narrow minded

    I think being in the army has a lot to do with it, he wasn't like that before he joined  

    funnily enough though he doesn't have a problem with lesbians!

  16. "What do you think of Heterosexuals who are Homophobic?"

    very little, i have no time for ignornace

  17. in case you weren't aware, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  

  18. I have a friend who is homophobic but is as camp as Christmas, am I guessing he is a repressed homosexual like all homophones  

  19. You might try reading your rant and answering your own questions before yelling at all of us about this.

    Also, read the rules, it is against them in a big way to point anyone out here.

  20. Uneducated, medieval, tarts ...

  21. They're just people with minds that are not big enough to accept the fact that everyone is different and not everyone likes the same thing as them.

    They're not worth your time.

    "I don't associate with Stoners"

    How do "stoners" come into this conversation?

    Most "stoners" I know are less homophobic than actual homosexuals.

  22. You know, this is a question that can apply to about any sort of prejudice or preconceived notions people have about others.

    I honestly think, in this day and age, that sometimes people just want to hang onto anything they can that is exclusively THEIRS and it doesn't matter what that THING is as long as no one can take it away!

    I mean, seriously, think about it for a moment.....

    As time moves so so much more quickly forward, all the old rules are being broken with regard to job security, home ownership, leadership in our country, patriotism, smoking, drinking, fats and those horrible "comfort foods", coffee, tea and ME!

    People are feeling like the only thing that is exclusively THEIRS anymore is what you can lock into your brain because NO ONE can actually go in by court order, decree, taxation, or government mandate and snatch it away from you!

    So I accept that some things like homophobia, racism, religious piety, and the like exist because I'm beginning to understand why people still embrace their thoughts and hold on TIGHT to them!

    But I still don't care for most modern music, the gangsta stuff, or things that just, well, don't interest ME!

    ...hehehe, you can't TAKE that away you dastardly thought bandits out there!

    Have a good day and that's just my opinion!

    Edit:  Okay, and I'm not going to say this any clearer than a rational, reading, researching human being can say it but!

    If you are going to make statements prefaced with, "The Bible clearly states........"

    Then go BACK to the Bible and read the REST of the STORY.  The Bible CLEARLY STATES THAT:

    If children curse their parents they should be put to death.

    Women should not wear "adorning" jewelry nor cut their hair or speak in church.

    You will be stoned to death for adultery.

    If our left arm offends another, it shall be chopped off.

    So, if the Bible "Clearly States" such things as I've written, but you don't want to, or it's not necessarily "Convenient" for you as a "Christian" to follow?

    How is it that you can "Conveniently" pick and choose those things the Bible "Clearly States" that suit you and your personal prejudice and disregard the rest of what the Bible "Clearly States"?

    That makes no sense at all........

  23. same as atheists who bash christians.  hey, we all hear things we don't like, it's how we act is what makes us who we are

  24. should wake up to reality in this day and age it is acceptable to marry same s*x couples i bring my kids up to accept other people as they are at the end of the day we are all humanbeings

  25. Something about themselves that scares them obviously.

    Yer man struggles with getting in touch with his masculine side never mind his feminine one.All of the above btw.

  26. It seems to me to be utterly futile to try to tell people how they should think about almost any topic you could care to mention. Accordingly, heterosexuals are entitled to think whatever they like about homosexuals without having to explain or justify themselves, and none of the adjectives you mention above, need apply.

    Did I imagine the intended put-down oft used by homosexuals when referring to heterosexuals? that of, 'Breeders'. Rather sad when you consider that doing what nature intended, procreating the species, normalises their sexual activity.

    Why do you care anyway?

  27. I always thought that homophobic men are terrified of their masculinity being challenged by homosexuals as they lack confidence in themselves.

  28. I think people who don't understand people's sexuality  or don't want to are the one's who are just ignorant and make fun of others .

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