
What do you think of Hilary Clinton's 'not relevant' response to a question put to her by a journo??

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In response to a reporter's question, 'When was the last time you used a gun or went to church', she answered that it wasn't 'relevant' for her to answer.....

This got me thinking... 'That's irrelevant' seems to be the 'go to' answer when someone is asked a difficult question....only the other day I was reading an article where a person said, 'It's not that I'm refusing to answer your question - it's just that it's irrelevant'.....

W TF?? What's going on here, peoples!!?




  1. First of all, she, the "former first lady", senator, etc. has tons of body guards at the tax payers expense I could add. There fore not having to hold a gun herself.  Then of course when and where she goes to church is depending upon the reason she is going, to get votes or ask forgiveness, or just to pray. It hasn't made front page news for awhile cause she is kinda busy worshiping herself right now. IMHO

  2. Any presidential candidate had better answer every question they can if they expect us to trust them to run our nation.  No question is irrelevant, because some voter somewhere may feel than the answer to any given question gives them valuable insight into the candidates personal convictions.

  3. Actually, a lot of the questions asked of each candidate are irrelevant to the issues. I wish they would stop the trivial questions and stick to the many issues that concern the people.

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