
What do you think of Indians ?

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What do you think of Indians ?




  1. "I don't know, I've never tried one....."

    you can't generalise like that can you, particularly with India?

    India is a very big country, split into vast, different regions, with different cultures throughout.  I don't believe that there is a single common trait among ALL Indians.  

    Answers like "they smell of curry" say more about the person answering than they do about Indians, and rather than be offended, I would simply pity the idiot who says such things.

  2. indians are indians.there is no one who can compare with us  .actually i m also indian and i m proud to be an indian

  3. R u an INDIAN ??

  4. We don't need to know what others think about Indians.We r the best people of the world nothing can be compared to my country's people.Anita don't u know that Indians r the oldest community of the world.Their knowledge their kind-heartiness is unmatchable.In which country can u find children touching the feet's of parents for their blessings.The sisters tying rakhis in their brothers hand

    if u think u r modern and u cant find all this happening it's sad of you.The first community to spread the light of knowledge although is a developing country,but their is no country not a country not influenced by Indians

  5. I think they are humans,normal,capable of doing anything anyone else can,having their own beliefs,and dont give a d**n what other people think about them,help anyone they can....and as for the bad ones,every country is not perfect.WE ROCK!!!!

    I should'nt have answered that,but then its the truth.

  6. Indians are great people. They are known for their enduring efforts in art & science. They don't do 'anything' for money. Indian females are very gorgeous like Anitha... if it's you in that picture. I can go on for days about Indians.. but Indians hate long answers ;-)


  8. The best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be!

  9. there cool....they have BIG penises 2.....

  10. why would you ask a question like that?

  11. Despite The Facial Paint, Animal Names, Werid Pack Hunting And Tepi's, I Dont Like Them

  12. brazilian women are hotter than indian women...they are nothing compared to adriana lima,

  13. Indians are people.

  14. Great people, good heart, clever, good sense of humor, cook great food (and spicy pickles...soooo good), wonderful musicians, can have deep and interesting discussions with them, have so beautiful women, nice silks and cotton fabrics, good at stone sculpture (Belur, Halebid). What else? Great kulfi (ice creams) impossible to forget. Faithfull friends, always happy. I wish I can find am Indian wife !

  15. Taking every body’s job opportunity, and breeding like rats. They should be nuked to relieve their pressure on earth.

  16. The girls are usually very pretty, and Indians are usually nice, and smart, but they are also known for working at 7-11 or some gas-station or quicky mart and have a very funny accent that people like to joke about.  I'm not trying to be mean - I'm just answering the question honestly.  The girls always win Miss. Universe, but they also sell hot dogs with a terrible accent.

  17. I think they smell like curry but you look pretty.

  18. Proud to be one!

  19. indians are annoying online, and please why wud i go to india to communicate and really if your going to ask questions on an english speaking website then learn the correct grammar!!!!

  20. smart and good in maths.

  21. An attractive group of people.  Also everyone I've met has been nice (but of course, people are people like people!).  Sikh women are especially pretty!

  22. Iam indian and irish, Indians or good people they got messed over by the goverment and now some have to live on reservations the american land was theres before the white man took it away they got the worst end of the deal. The ones i know are honest and they are gifted in many crafts.*

  23. they look pretty cool in the front of cigar stores

  24. The cowboys done them wrong.

  25. I think Indians{like the Chinese}are very much an emerging peoples whos importance on the world's stage are increasing geometrically every new day that goes by. Indians bear a unique respnsibility , in that, they are the world largest democracy, and therefore peoples from around the world will be scrutinizing them intensely to see if economic growth can be had, while , in the same measure, allowing for the inalienable rights' of its citizens. I have been heartened, as of late, to see the US and India working together anew on an unprecedented scale, which I hope will continue in the future. I think both or our countries' can help the other with mutual agreement and understanding to make, not just a brighter future for Asia, but for the world in general. I'd say Indians, as a people, while we work together with them more closely, and get to know them much better, will be able to help the US understand the world better, as we'll be able to help them rediscover their prominence in the world better. I look forward to our mutual futures, as friends together.

  26. I've had some good friends that were Indian. My spritual teacher is Indian. I'd love to visit India.

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