
What do you think of Iran?

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Iran (formerly known as Persia)




  1. To be honest, I don't know enough about it but the media portrays it as a place we should be cautious of. That Iran is a threat to America.

    If you know anything...Please enlighten.

  2. The people of Iran are probably very nice , their president is a nut job that is about to be taken out by Israel

  3. they suck fat nuts!

  4. Hi. I've lived in Iran as an expat working there for a year. I travelled around a bit (Teheran, Yazd, Shiraz, Esfehan, Qom, ...)  There is a lot to be said about Iran. Here is a list which reflects my personal experiences:

    1. Although it appears so from the outside, it is definitely not a homogenous society. There are a large number of Armenians and Azeriis, and many different cultural groups.

    2. There are enormous inequalities within the Iranian society when it comes to the very rich, and the vast masses, whom are very poor. It is a very capitalistic society. The very rich often bemoan their losses during the revolution (almost 30 years ago), while still having more wealth than they really know what to do with.

    3. As a result of various local policies, and the international trade restrictions, the middle class is crumbling (losing purchasing power), exacerbating the situation. Teachers can barely get by on their wage.

    4. As always, the masses of the poor are poorly educated, and easily manipulated by those in power. Few have actually met and interacted with westerners. If an Iranian is speaking English, they invariably come from the middle or upper class society.

    5. Most Iranians think that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, or should be. The excuse being that Israel has them. I have little doubt in my mind, with that kind of public support, that they are.

    6. Iranians like to think of themselves as Persians.

    7. It is very difficult as a foreigner in Iran to know if you are really being told what people say they think, or whether they are just telling you what they think you want to hear.

    8. Iran has many social problems: a huge drug problem, youth unemployment.

    9. Women are frequently molested in Iran: All of the  foreign women living there that I knew had been molested in one fashion or another. It is because of the molestation, that areas of buses, and the metro are reserved exclusively for women,

    10. It is a deeply schiziophrenic society. People are living different lives: a public life, and a private life. There is very little trust.

    11. It is wrong to think of the nation of Iran as militantly hostile to the west, although those factions do exist as well, within government and the society as a whole.

    12. The government has a definite interest in expanding the influence of Shia Islam throughout the world through various means.

    13. While lying is abhorrent in Iran, bending the truth is not. It is amazing just how bent and out shape the truth can appear.

    14. I never felt unsafe in Iran. Except when crossing the road in Shiraz. But I'm a guy.


    15. There are a lot of good people in Iran. As in most places of the world.

    16. One problem is the amount of paranoia and conspiracy theories when it comes to their beliefs of the Wests ability to manipulate and change events. Many seriously believe the USA is controlled by Britain, for instance.

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