
What do you think of Isratine both Israeli and Palestinian ?

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Shay b there is so much free space and Land in the world

WHY only Palestine and over the blood of People?

i have no problem with Jews but Palestinians should live in their land they are people aren't they ?

you can live together just like the old times when Jews and Arab lived with each other

for ages




  1. Only an Arab could think up that one!

  2. As long as it is one man one vote. Like other viable constitutional democracy. Let both people fight in the parliament instead of endless wars.

  3. its a peice of stupidity, from a stupid, fanatic ..........

  4. Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve their own states. Period.

  5. Israelis live in the country called Israel, and there is no country named "Palestine."  "Palestin" was under British rule and before that, under Ottoman rule.


    Ms. Miche ; })

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