
What do you think of Jesus Christ Superstar?

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Fellow Christians, are you offended by it?




  1. great singing. It is certainly not offensive.

  2. WOOT!




  3. I'm not a religious person but who cares right this worlds coming to an end anyways whats a sin now... nothing.

  4. It is one of the few vinyl albums I saved.  I still know all the music and it runs thru my head quite often.

    I trust God would have warped it by now if it did not have His seal of approval.  Anything that gets people talking about His most beloved Son is a good thing.

    The more you get to know Him; the better life gets.

    God bless, love you!

  5. I've always loved it.  It has the greatest music.  The song, "I don't know how to love him," is an extremely tender song.  Besides that, it along with the sympathy the story has for Judas shows the opera to be ahead of it's time.  Today's controversy concerning Mary Magdalene and Judas is not new.

    Not all Christians were offended when it came out.  I was going to Catholic high school when the stage version was playing.  A priest played his class the record.  I've always known who Caiaphas is because of that opera.  Also, in a literature class I took in college, the teacher showed us the movie.  Then we discussed it from a literature standpoint.

  6. I am a Christian and I love it.  I have seen the play two times, the movie several times and I own the sound track.  I just love the music and the story.  It is really a rock opera.  (The first time I saw the play I was not a Christian and I just loved the whole play.  Later as a Christian, I loved it even more.)  I just can't get behind the whole Christian/Non-Christian debate.  Jesus' message was and will always be love.  In the words of the Beatles, "All we need is love."

  7. i was around in the 70's when the album came out. it was great. i was raised catholic but never really cared much about religion. after listening to the music i had a new found interest in all the things i was forced to learn. there is no doubt in my mind that i am more religious and spiritual than i would have been had jesus christ superstar never been made. i'm sure it had that effect on others as well. i always thought it was a great means of reaching people as well as being an excellent rock opera.

  8. ian gillan kicks  #$$%^

  9. I think it's awful and is a mockery of my Lord Jesus Christ.

    I despise it. I also despise Him being made fun of on South Park etc.

  10. I love the music!

  11. I don't like Andrew Loyd Webber whatsoever. His work isn't very good and that's my honest opinion. I'm not religious and honestly don't care as much as others about the story of the Bible. I respect it but honestly don't care. It's a musical I would only participate in if I had no other play option to perform.

  12. I'm a Christian too, and I'm not offended by it. Then again, I have never seen it, I've only listened to the music. But I feel that the story is told very objectively, and I like that about the musical. Maybe actually seeing the show would change my mind, but as of right now I think it was pretty respectfully done. What's your opinon?

  13. i loved it!!! gr8 music!!!

  14. I think it's just hollywood trying to get a rise out of people. And I for one do find it offensive.

  15. I saw that a lonnnng time ago, when i was still pretty young and i probably didn't fully understand it. But i was christian then and i'm christian now and from what i can remember i wouldnt have been offended by it. and i havent changed much. : ) oh and i LOVED godspell. it was done so well!

  16. That is the most idiotic thing ever created.

    Worse than Disney on Ice.

  17. I am not a religious person at all, but Jesus Christ Superstar is one of the best musicals of all time.

  18. For its time it was original and innovative; today it comes off as dated and self-involved.  It's worth seeing just to get a feel for the cultural influence, regardless of ones religious interpretation.  Christian reactions, then and now, have been widely varied; what's important to realize is that it was *intended* to be positive and respectful, not a parody.

  19. if your talking about the movie version

    it sucks

    the guy who plays Jesus has a lazy eye    

    (I had to watch it for freshman theology)

  20. I am not a Christian anymore, but when I first heard the music I was still religious. I actually heard it for the first time in my 7th grade Religion class. I wasn't offended by it at all.. I just liked the music. I think there are a lot of Christians who view the casual way which shows like JCSS, Children of Eden, and Godspell portray religion as offensive, but I don't see why. Bringing religion to life through music is a great way to spread the message in a way that lots of people can relate to. I lost my faith in Christianity last year. A few weeks after I had finally decided that I couldn't go on as a member of the church any longer, I saw a local school's production of Children of Eden, and I seriously reconsidered my faith. Though I am still apathetic towards religion, it really proves what these religious based shows can do.

  21. I think the musical did a very good job at actually making Jesus human. The Bible says that Jesus came to earth as a man, but what does that really mean?  By giving Jesus doubts about what was going on and having him be a little scared of death, they showed him as a man.  There is no sacrifice, or even a point, if while on earth Jesus was an all powerful being. In order to be just a man, he had to be imperfect just like us, feel just like us, live just like us.  I think the musical did an excellent job.

    I think a lot of controversy got started by the song “Jesus Christ Superstar,” which was released as a single, shot to the top of the charts, and was played constantly on the radio and in all the night clubs at the time.  That song taken out of context paints a very different picture of what the musical may be about.  And we all know how people like to shoot off their opinion regardless if they have actually taken the time to research what they are talking about.  Actually seeing the musical would have been too much work. Once that ball gets rolling it will never stop.  There are people who are going to be offended no matter what.

  22. It came out when I was about your age.  I was in a Catholic school.  They figured out fairly quickly that they couldn't fight it, so they used it to teach.  

    It wasn't Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's first rock opera.   They did "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" first.  They did it as a church project.  Neither was yet twenty.

    There wasn't anything about it to offend anyone except people that get offended by people that make a lot of money.

  23. It rocks!

    The original play cast was much better than the movie.

    Some powerful music and vocals.  I don't give a c**p what the subject matter is if it's done with passion.  Hey, if you're going to present something biblical, you may as well make it entertaining.

  24. I am old and a devoted Christian.  I loved that movie and the stage play.  I have a copy of the original movie and love to watch it.  We have to speak the language of the time to deliver the message....

  25. I think it's the greatest Rock Opera ever written, and find it very true in theme to my understanding of the Bible.

  26. I love that movie. So many good songs.

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