
What do you think of Joey Barton's sentence?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Good, he shouldn't be treated any differently being a footballer.

  2. It's appropriate

  3. He is a hooligan and it is about time that he served time for the pain he has caused to others.

  4. About time he got put away. Just because you're a Premier League footballer doesn't mean that you can go around assaulting people and get away with it ...

  5. I feel sorry for him, he will meet some real hard men in there.

    He might even aquire a stalker. He won't want to go again.

  6. Yeah I never really liked N'Sync anyway.

  7. Very light in view of the assaults that he committed, well after all, he can afford a good lawyer, according to someone on T.V. earlier, he'll be out in 3 months. It certainly makes one ponder on the state of British "justice "

  8. He'll be beaten up in prison - nice thought. Thug.

  9. I hope he drops a bar of soap in the showers.................

  10. I think the sentence is far too lenient.  He should have got 6 years not 6 months...I doubt he will serve more than 3 months.  What he did was totally disgraceful and it's about time that sports "personalities" were made to realise that they are not above the law of the land.

  11. Do the crime do the time.

  12. soft.  he'll be out in 2 months

    not much of a punishment for messing up someone's teeth

    id loved to have seen duncan ferguson deck him lol

  13. "What do you think of Joey Barton's sentence?"

    I think it's disgusting. An absolute disgrace!

    "I'm guilty as charged your honour." should have a comma after 'charged'...and honour should have a capital 'H'...

  14. what would i think of 6 years//he's got off with a slap on the wrist

  15. Good riddance to bad rubbish, can't stand him and his pikey family.

  16. Deserved.

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