
What do you think of John McCain's new VP the Govenor of Alaska as a running mate?

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Do you think she will help with oil problems? Or try to find other renewable sources?




  1. I will definitely support her because I love America to much to have Obama/Biden in the White House.  

    I would have like to have seen,  however, Romney make Biden cry at the VP debate.  I hope Sarah has it where it counts there.  

  2. She is a NRA member and a snow shoer.... Yea she is weird, but i guess can't be as evil as chany... or can she?

  3. Sarah Palin has it all!

    Obama has accused John McCain of selecting a candidate with zero experience to be his running mate, because she is a woman. It appears Obama does not want women to succeed.

    The best things come in small packages. However, as a whole the state of Alaska, of which she is Governor has "a land mass larger than Texas, California and Montana combined. Alaska is a large state, 1/5 the size of all the other states together, reaching so far to the west that the International Date Line had to be bent to keep the state all in the same day. It's also the only U.S. state extending into the Eastern Hemisphere." So, my friend, whileObama apparently considers the city that she was mayor of small, Alaska is a large state.

    While Barack Obama has been working in his Senate office 143 days since he first took office in November of 2004, he has spent all of the other days running for president. That is Obama's experience. Yet, he has the audacity to accuse John McCain of selecting an inexperienced Vice President, Sarah Palin. As a woman, I am inflamed, especially since she has more executive experience, having managed a city and a state, than Obama, Biden and McCain all put together. Sarah Palin has 13 years of public service with an approval rating of 80 percent, not 9 percent like our Democratic Congress. She is the most popular Governor in the USA. Now, if you are among the 9 percent of Americans that think our Democratic Congress has done a great job, then Obama is the candidate for you. Trust me, you will definitely get more of the same. Palin started as President of the PTA. She went from that to Mayor of her city to Governor of her state.She put a stop to the bridge to nowhere that would have cost the United State's taxpayers $400 million dollars, saying if Alaska needed a bridge they would pay for it. One of the first things she did, after she took office as Alaska's Governor was to fire the chef, saying she could prepare the food for her family and then she put the Governor of Alaska's jet on ebay and sold it, putting the money obtained from its sale back into Alaska's piggy bank. Alaska is a state that matters to every American. It has the energy resources and she is the leader that supports drilling. Governor Palin has a real record, a record of incredible accomplishments, while Barack Obama has not managed to accomplish one thing while in office. Palin fought her own party to stop a corrupt system, while Barack stands back and never challenges the Chicago Machine. John McCain is a real man, who was not afraid to look past gender and select the best candidate for his Vice President. Together, they are the change that we can believe in... Together, they will shake up Washington and fix what is broken. Just so you know, they are both mavericks. Palin has spent her time in office shaking up her government. She challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill That is only one of the many reasons why John McCain picked her as his teammate. McCain picked Palin because she has it all.

  4. Brilliant.  Yes and yes.

  5. I think Johnny boy is in love Watch your back Cindy

  6. i think she is an amazing choice for mccain as well as for women across the country. she is a woman with very much her own opinions and not what others expect the mold of a woman to be. i believe she will help with many of the energy problems in this country by coming to the middle to find common solutions, just as she has done in the past.

    truly, she is an amazing woman.

  7. I think she is HHHHOT!

  8. i think the oil companies are trying to find the new energy source. they wont want to lose their customers.

  9. She is adamantly against the green movement. She will be good for big oil companies, the NRA, right-to-lifers, the Pentecostal/Evanelicals....same old, same old as we've had for 8 years.

  10. What doyou think of John McCain's new VP Covernor of Alaska as a running mate?

    I'm excited about the ticket, although I'm still a undecided voter.  

  11. She is conservative fighter of corruption with more executive experience than Obama.

    She is pro life, intellegent and has the character needed to improve this country.

    I believe she has what it takes to do the job for which she was chosen.

    McCain/Palin '08

  12. She's terrible on environmental concerns and doesn't think global warming is due to human activity such as the burning of coal and gasoline. She has no real experience and describes herself 1st as a hockey mom. McCain is pandering to the pro life voters.

    Sen. McCain is a 72 year old man w/ serious health problems. His choice of Palin the Appalling demonstrates that he cares more about getting elected than what's best for the country. What happened to America First?

    I'm a disgusted Republican who's fed up w/ the last 8 years of ideology over science and reason. I'm voting for Obama.

  13. I like it. The dEMOcRATS don't like it because they are envious. The hope and change party went back to old politics when it comes to a VP. I think she has more experience as being a leader than Obama. What has he ever lead?

    She is better than Biden. Biden voted against war with Iraq when they invaded Kuwait in the early 1990's, and then voted for "Bush's" war to later renege when it became uncool. He would do anything to be liked. It is pathetic.

    Biden (please read)

  14. AWESOME!  YES!  Just google her background!  Everyone already has.

  15. I think it'll do shat all ,


    i think its just a publicity stunt..

    but we just have to wait and see :]

  16. A disaster!!!!  

  17. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  18. I don't know what to think.  I really don't.  First impression is, McCain is trying to get the conservative Democratic vote.  That's not going to work. And, yes, there is such a thing as a conservative Democrat.  I'm lost on this one.

  19. She great and she'll try to open oil fields, she already has.

  20. I think it was a brilliant move on his part. There were rumors weeks ago that he was talking to her about it. Of course nobody believed them, but oh how wrong we were.

    Do I think she can help with the oil problem? The only answer to the oil problem is hydrogen. I love when political ads talk about high gas prices nd then mention things like solar power plants and wind farms. You can't fill your gas tank with sunshine and wind might push you a few extra feet after you run out of gas, but they dont help with the oil problem at all.

  21. She hunts! She fishes! She eats moose burgers! She can gut a salmon as well as dispatch an incumbent governor! She’s a rural mother of five who clings to guns and religion -– exuberantly!

    Obama/Biden '08

  22. Excellent choice!!

    Yes she will help with the oil problems, and yes she will support renewable and alternative sources like McCain does.

    McCain and Palin will WIN in 08 !!! they already have the liberals running in fear, YA has been obsessed with her all day.  

  23. excellent running mate

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  24. I'm sure she will make an effort to support some sort of renewable source or new oil reserves, HOWEVER, I do not care for her.  She is anti-choice, pro-life, whatever you want to call it and I do not think that a pro-life ticket is right for America.  Pro-life is based mainly on religion.  I cannot support a woman who wants to outlaw abortions for other women - I personally think all families in the US should be limited to 2 children, however, I do not try to take the right to reproduce away from women, so I cannot support a woman who wants to take my right to not reproduce away.

    As for the oil reserves question - I doubt that their ticket will do as much to find new energy sources as the Obama/Biden ticket would, but I think that whoever has the White House for the next 4 years will have to do something about the impending energy crisis.

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