
What do you think of John McCain?

by Guest21154  |  earlier

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Would you vote for him?

What about his Vice President choice?




  1. I think he is brilliant, and so was his choice of VP, they are the ones that will change Washington for the better

  2. Nothing, this man veteod the minimum wage 29 times,however, he is right when he said 'change is coming' Go O!

  3. I am not alone in my thoughts about Mc Cain.  I am a democrat and will vote for Obama, My Republican friends won't vote for either because they don't like McCain and won't vote democrat.

    They know we the american workers can not make it with 4 more years of republican rule

  4. I do not like every position he holds and have often been in opposition to his reforms.  But he is a good man, a real leader and when it comes to National Security second to none.

    Sarah Palin is a proven, natural leader.  She is the most able and remarkable woman ever to be offered the Vice Presidency.  She will take that job and make it her own.  I will sleep soundly with McCain and Palin in control.


  5. I actually like McCain but I am voting against him because of his views on the Iraq war. So, no I would vote for him.

    I think Palin is smart based from her politcal experience but I don't enough about her to make a judgement about her.

  6. I will not vote for McCain because he voted in agreement 90% of the time as Bush. Bush has not done anything to be proud of in the last 8 years. His VP choice is inexperienced and I don't trust her character. Her character seems to me like Bush and Cheney. These people I do not trust with running this country. If McCain picked Romney, that would be a different story, but he chose a woman that is hypocritical to me.  

  7. 10% change is not worth taking that risk voting for him.  As far as his 'pit bull with lipstick' choice...she wants to teach abstinence, but she can't even get her own child to abstain.  Then she wants to take away the choice of what I do with my own body.  She is out of touch and her family proves it.  The republicans want to cry and moan about her being treated differently and claim everyone is being sexist towards her.  Well Rushie said 'we have the babe' and their own party followers sitting in the crowd wearing buttons claiming the 'hottest' trailer trash nominee.  She claims she wants to be treated the same as all other candidates, but when she is...that's when she starts claiming she is being treated differently.

  8. I like John McCain and was leaning toward voting for him until he selected Palin.  Usually, I don't care who the VP selection is, but this election it was very important to me.  I would rather have had Richardson on the Democrat ticket, but I can live with Biden.

  9. I think he is an out of touch, senile, Bush clone.  

    His VP is a lying pitbull - that promotes teen pregnancy.........

    PTSD and PMS, that's a combination this country doesn't need!!

  10. yes and his vp choice was a good choice

  11. I like both of them and they are what this country needs I believe he will actually change the direction of this country and not just talk about it.

    Liberalism is what is bringing this country down and it starts in our schools and colleges we need to be a little more down to earth and conservative if we want to get back on our feet.

  12. desperate.

  13. I think he is a man with a good story but very much on the wrong track and his choice is horrible

  14. Past his due date.

    If he was a carton of milk, it would say this on the side:

    USE BEFORE 1/20/2001

  15. No.


    The Republican party is and can truly only appeal to the wealthy.  

  16. I will vote for him.

    Mrs. Palin is NOT advocating teen pregnancy, she is just acknowledging that it happens, and loving and supporting her child.  what a "terrible" mom, to love her daughter when she got pregnant.  Horrors!

    McCain is a reasonable man who may vote Bush most of the time, but so what?  I bet mostly everyone here agreed with Mr. Bush when he sent people over there, and they cheered when Sadaam Hussein was found and prosecuted by his own government.  People just don't like Mr. Bush anymore because he sticks to his decisions.

    It is an admirable trait to have a thought, implement the thought and not back down from the implementation regardless of how many people whine at him that they don't like his decisions anymore even though they cheered him on initially.

    McCain's only downfall is his age.  He is very old, and although he looks good, and seems healthy, anything can happen once the stress of the office hits him.

    Again on Mrs. Palin, she is not about big oil, she fights big oil.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is not reading, listening, or paying attention.  She fought big oil in Alaska and got refunds for her people from the money hungry corporations.  

  17. He makes Obama look like a clown.

    McCain is strong where Obama is weak. A smart man prepares for war so he won't have to fight one. A weak Obama will invite enemies to attack.

    McCain is a war hero and clearly loves his country, Obama thinks America has to change and be more likable to the rest of the world.

    McCain has 22 years of experience compared to Obamas 2 years of RUNNING for office!

    McCain will cut taxes to stimulate the economy. Obama will raise taxes on the rich, who will retaliate by raising prices on all goods and services, defeating the tax and spend plan.

  18. I think that he is probably a very honorable man and has obviously served our country well and in the end done well for himself. I believe he thinks he is right and that he is confident that he will be able to lead our country durig some rough times. I do think, however, that he will have a difficult time convincing other people of the same when he really does come off as a GWB - and people don't want that. Had he been running at a better time, I think his chances of winning would be a lot better, but GWB is kind of a monkey on his back. It's an uphill battle, but I think he believes he is prepared to take it on.

  19.   He's not as good as Sarah, but he's lots better than Obama. Therefore, McCain has my vote.

  20. Hes trying to get through life the best he can!

  21. I would be more impressed with a guy who escaped or died trying to as a POW, instead of lying on his back for five years. I mean if this guy is a war hero, then John Kerry is at least William the Conqueror.

    I would never vote for a terrorist.

    See above.

  22. I think John McCain is a good person and I would have considered voting for him, but he has shown that he is no maverick he just falls in line with the failed republican policies.

  23. Yes, I am voting for McCain/Palin '08

    because they will make a great President & Vice President. McCain

    is strong security of this nation whereas Obama could care less.

  24. Absolutely, 2%.  We need a man who has shown character and resolve, and has more that 100 days in the senate to draw from.

  25. I will vote for him over an America hating, racist ex-crackhead Marxist.  That much is for sure.

    O'Crackhead is a clone of the "Village Idiot."

  26. Lets be real honest here, when we vote for candidates running for office whether it's at the  local, state or federal levels, all we know about these people are what we read or hear since we in most cases do not now these men and women on a personal level. It's like going to a rock concert to hear our favorite band play ! Sure we like the song but we really do not know the band members so we associate them with their music !

  27. poopie time!!!

  28. i really believe he will do good.....palin is fine also..

  29. I think your screwed up tpo want to vote another republican in office  

  30. I am voting for John McCain. He is a man of honesty and I feel that he will stand up for us instead of the other choice that we have.  I just feel that there is something sneaky about Obama. He is just too involved with terrorist.  Right now is not the time to "take a chance" on someone that is so shady!

    Palin- I like her too.  I think that she is an intelligent woman that is going to be a great Vice President and maybe one day be our President.  You know Clinton is hating life right now!!!


  31. 1) I'll vote for him.

    2) His vp is more experienced than the dem candidate president.

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