
What do you think of John McCain selecting a woman for the vice presidency?

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After the Hillary's failure to become the Democratic Party's candidate for the Presidency???

If you ask me, not only do I smell dirty REPUBLICAN underhanded TACTICS, but also does my face sting from the few faces that must be smarting from THIS surprise SLAP which seems a sneaked in mockery???




  1. a desperate move is all it was. and they talk about Obamas lack of experience!?!? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Alaska?!?!? LOL LOL LOL What happens there? Snow ball fight!?! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!  

  2. Just because your candidate picked a dud in Joe Biden don't hate on the Repubs choice. The democrats had their chance and Obama went with an old white guy with hair plugs.  

  3. You think its dirty underhanded tactics to select a woman as VP?

    "but also does my face sting from the few faces that must be smarting from THIS surprise SLAP which seems a sneaked in mockery???"

    What on Earth do you mean here?

    There are good reasons for selecting her, there are reasons against selecting her.


    @ tickled blue

    Not letting people kill their own children is a threat to women?

    In any case, you are not being honest, her belief is that abortion is immoral in all cases, but that its legality should be an issue decided by the States.



    No need to disparage the good state of Alaska.

    You really think it's the same thing to have an inexperienced VP nominee as it is to have an inexperienced Presidential Nominee?


    @ The Questioner

    What in God's name are you on about? I cannot understand what you are on about in your additional info.

  4. I think the political scenemakers have finally picked up from this election campaign, that there is this big 'Cagney + Lacey' type vote, which does need a 'vote model', or politcal figure.  Hillary was maybe a little too clumsily drawn for middle America, but the Palin candidate is more easily accepted as a surrogate persona for the women who would like to feel involved somehow.

    Maybe she could be given some sort of 'project' under the new administration. Like assessing the situation in the middle east, and cooking up some ideas to throw in the mixing bowl.

  5. It may well be nothing more than a sly device to ensure the womens votes..Cynical of me perhaps..

  6. It is amazing how quickly this group has taken away their support for a woman , He picked her because she is the best candidate. Not because he wanted to grab the Hillary vote , Palin is nothing like Hillary , simply she beat out the men and McCain doesn't "talk" of change he makes it.  

  7. McCain SCORES big, and people...notably feminists, CAN'T handle it

  8. It's clearly a cynical act on his part.  I'm not sure what he is expecting from it. She's radically anti-choice and she believes in creationism for public schools.  No one who voted for Hilary is going to vote for her.  She may have ovaries but she is just another neo-con like the person who chose her.  Hilary supporters won't go for it.  The only thing it solidifies is the Christian right wingnut base.  She does not represent women getting ahead because she is far too backwards on the issues that effect them.

    Who did McCain score big with?  Not women that is for sure.  Palin pales in comparison with Hillary who has worked on women's issues all her life.  Palin is nothing but a big fish in the tiny pond of Alaska, who is also caught up in her own scandel that she could be impeached for.  Just because she's a woman doesn't mean I have to support her.

    McCain never changed anything in his life.  He's always gone with the status quo.  He's voted with Bush 95% of the time.  That isn't change.  That's called really bad choices and bad judgement and lack of wisdom on his part.   He's had 30 years to change D.C and he hasn't even tried.  And, he's had 30 years to vote for alternative energies to get America independent and he's always voted against them in favor of big oil.  The man isn't a maverick, he's a conformist in a the worst way.

  9. So you not really for a woman being vice president? I think it would be a dramatic step ahead for women as a whole.

  10. Palin is a danger to women.

    Palin believes ALL abortion should be illegal....regardless of the circumstances. Palin is opposed to all forms of abortion, including cases of rape, incest, birth defects, or to preserve the mother's health or life.  

  11. I think it was very intelligent of him.

    Besides, either way he is way better of a choice than Obama

    And stop it with the analogies. They are lame and annonying.  

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