
What do you think of Kate from Jon & Kate Plus 8?

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Do you like her? Do you think she's a good mom?

I think she's okay. She DOES have 8 kids but I'm sick of "omg, she has 8 kids!!" as an excuse for everything she does. She does take care of her kids well but she is sometimes very controlling and annoying. Like, today, there was an episode where she was yelling at Jon for breathing too loud. o.o; And the Embarassing and Favorite Moments episode was so awkward to watch. Jon was just sitting there while Kate prattled on about all the things he does "wrong".

Yeah. Jon is also a good parent, though sometimes he seems disinterested in what the kids are doing.

What do you think?




  1. well even though i am a teenager i love to watch the show  just because they make me feel good and such and it can aslo teach you parenting  skills

  2. I can be pretty controlling and critical too so I can relate. I don't think I would be able to handle so many kids as well as they do.

  3. I applaud her for staying sane with 8 children

  4. I think if you had 8 kids to deal with you'd sometimes be the same way!

    I wake my husband up in the middle of the night if he's breathing too loudly, so I understand why she would be annoyed with that. I could also list off the things that annoy me about him or that he does "wrong". That's just marriage for you.

    It takes a very brave women to allow camera crews and national audiences in her house when she's taking care of EIGHT children.

    ETA: In another one of your questions you state that you don't have ANY kids so I don't know how you can judge her and what she does with as many children as she has. Wait until you get married and have children, then you'll know how she feels.

  5. I mean i think she is a good mom i just think shes a control freak which is annoying and idk there is somthing that annoys me about her... idk but somtimes shes a good mom somtimes shes not

  6. Parenting wise I think she does fairley well considering she has 8 kids and 6 that are the same age.  I myself would have lost my mind by now if I were her.  Marriage wise...  I cant stand how she is so mean to Jon.  She's always demeaning him or slapping him.

  7. Uptight suburbanite yuppy.  

    I can't stand that show.

  8. While I think she's a good mom and hilarious, I do think she can be kinda mean to Jon. I know which episode you're talking about and it just seems like it's her show and he's not really there.

  9. I get so tired of hearing how hard it is...............did she think having them would be a cake walk???? I think she should stop complaining.....thats all she does, and poor Jon, lolhe only stays because he couldn't afford child support I'm convinced!!!!! I mean she dishes out orders has ppl do this and that, while she sleeps in, jon makes her coffee.......she even has a freaking list so he doesn't mess it up, she gets time to herself to get ready, she got to go to the spa in Utah..........I mean yes every mom deserves me time, but what about Jon. I just can't stand her to be honest!!!!

  10. Well I do think that some of the things she says should be saved for when the cameras are off.  But I do think she is doing a wonderful job raising her children.  If I were her I would have gone insane by now!  And Jon could do more to help, but thats men for you.  I do think her yelling across the store was very inappropriate though! Her children are for the most part well-behaved, I've seen worse out of just 1 child!

  11. SOMEONE has to take charge, or things would just fall apart. With that many children, I think organization is a necessity, and that's where Kate's controlling side comes in. She does a great job with that many kids though. She does seem to pick on John a lot, but he whines a lot too. I mean, he seems annoyed that he has to do things sometimes...but does he expect 3 year olds to do all these things themselves?

    On the other hand, I wish the 8 of them had more one on one time with their parents. I know they had that one episode where they spent time with each kid, but they need more than that.

  12. I  could barely manage 3kids, I know you think 8kids is an excuse, but how many kids do you have and how messed up are you?

    I'm in high school, but I can't stand all parents- I think parenthood just messes them up. My mom just has me and my brother and it's really screwed with her mind. Once you have all those little kids and tech crew running around, she's probably just trying to manage until the kids are teenagers and old enough to take basic care of themselves.

    If you were a mother of 2 or3, I would consider what you're saying. But, I honestly think that parenthood can easily make people power-hungry control-freaks. I'd expect eight kids to make her a *****- excuse my language, but in short, I think she's doing well.

    In addition, you see everything that goes on in her life. I'm sure you have your ugly points too,we all do.

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