
What do you think of Katherine’s engine (enhanced photo)?

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What do you think of Katherine’s engine (enhanced photo)? {Please comment}

Since she is a cyclist, she had her shares of injuries. Considering she rode 7392 miles last year, plus the cold and rainy weather conditions during the winter months, grinded the appearance.




  1. Ok Yin

    To give you an informed and unbiased opinion, First you must realise the standard of the competition. Here is a link that shows some of the best engines in the business. These are the engines that world champion riders (MTB'S) are using. January shows the more classic engine presentation. Higher engine mounts, with the "big end" displayed prominently.

    Now to be fair Kate..... sorry Katherine's engine hasn't been presented in this same meticulous manner.

    It is not uncommon for an engine to pick up a few stone chips, scratches and other marks. Usually these blemishes get a little body filler added, buffed, oiled up and then resprayed. (Commonly a goldie tan colour). With careful presentation and the right lighting it is surprising just how spectacular this type of engine can get.

    For the record. With the current presentation I rate this engine as above average and showing potential.  

    Strangely enough I keep a similar type of engine at home. I'm quite fond of it and it has proven reliable and provided many hours of pleasure and entertainment. I usually try to avoid running it in competition as it tends not to run quite as smoothly.

    Hopefully you can enjoy not only the engine, but the whole vehicle for many years to come.


    My preference is usually performance over presentation. My observation is that the better performing engines, will scrub up nice anyway.

  2. not freakin bad at freakin all!!!


  3. Now we all understand why you got rid of the Honda and got the Spyder. The Honda must of had a real hard time keeping up.

  4. Strong Legs are such a turn on don't you think? Now how do we get you out to exercise. You sent me a picture of those legs 18 months ago.

  5. Not bad at all!

  6. Verry, verry nice. Can we see more? a side shot would be great. Or better still, in action.

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