
What do you think of Kent Austin leaving the Saskatchewan Roughriders?

by Guest65087  |  earlier

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  1. As a Rider fan I am disappointed of course.  But I think he was very classy about it and he weighed the pros and cons and came out with a decision that is best for him.

    Good luck Kent, we will miss you!!!


  3. really shocking,he's going from head coach for a grey cup to to a offence coordinator for a college team. just shocking. also the college team is a wreak in talent

  4. Well, it is a very disappointing, but an old, unwritten rule of football is that coaches are usually granted the right to negotiate for better offers during the term of their contract.

    The theory behind this is that the coach who is being kept with the team more or less against his will is not going to be a happy coach and might bring down the standard of play until he gets fired. The payoff, for lack of a better term, is that you team gets a reputation as a good place to go to because it allows for advancement. We in Saskatchewan were very happy and to unload Kenton Keith on the Indianapolis Colts because he was such a persistent embarrassment! To the team!

    The thing that bothers me about Kent Austin is that he has now walked away from two signed contracts with the Roughriders, which allows me to raise the question of "why bother to have contracts at all if they're going to be broken so casually?"

    The Roughriders and the fans are treating this matter with kid gloves because they were, frankly, badly embarrassed by the bizarre antics that followed Austin's departure in 1993 and the dumping of manure near the home of Paul McCallum in 2004. Aside from a few crazy people, nobody wants any kind of public display of loonieness over the coaches departure.

    Long story short: I am very disappointed by his departure, but will survive somehow. I'm also disappointed by the casual way in which he breaks signed contracts, but I wish him all the best as he has a nice guy and a towering intellect.

  5. It would seem that Ole Miss has discovered what the Riders and their fans already knew.  Austin is a good leader.  It's no coincidence that the Riders last two titles came when he was involved in a high profile position.  You can't blame a man for choosing to do what's best for himself, his career and his family.  He will earn way more money coaching in his new position than he did in Saskatchewan.  We should all wish him luck.  This will have some emotional impact in the locker room but the Green Riders have a pretty good group of players who are, for the most part, young.  I expect they will do well again next year.  Can they repeat?  Maybe.  Let's see how Tillman does filling Austin's spot first.

  6. I'm glad he left the Riders, they can do better without him.

  7. Austin was a good coach But no one is irreplaceable.  We should be giving him our best wishes for his new coaching position close to his home!!!!!

  8. Well so much as a rider coach.

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