
What do you think of London?

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I went on a college trip last week to London. I have lived in Cornwall my whole life and have never been to London before so I was really excited. The second the bus reached the city though I just had this horrible feeling that I didn't like it. I felt scared like I was on some horrible rollercoaster ride. The buildings were all tall and thin and blocked out the sky and I felt I couldn't breathe. The underground was like descending into h**l, and I found being in a tube under the ground really diorientating. Although I enjoyed some aspects of the trip, such as London Zoo I just couldn't understand why anyone would want to live there. The buildings are stained by car fumes and although the royal parks are well tended I can tell somehow they aren't that healthy, not compared to where I come from. There's bright lights everywhere which blur my eyes. When I got back to my home in West Cornwall I have never felt a bigger surge of relief!!




  1. wow i feel the oppisite i  frm ireland and i went to london and never wanted to leave im going to live there soon , i just think its the best place in the world , but i suppose people have differnt opinions but if i coud chooses anywhere in the wrorld to live it woluld be london :) must vist corwal i heard it lovely x

  2. Boo Mchoo

  3. Well, I live in London, so I'm used to the city, it really doesn't scare me! I can understand how you feel though, as you live where the air isn't so polluted! I lived in Exeter when I was younger, I still remember the beach and the fresh air!

  4. it really freaked me out when i went there but i must say i was a huge fan of there huge top shop o:)

  5. I see what you mean. I've lived in Cardiff for most of my life, which is like a miniature, Welsh London. And as soon I I moved to the countryside with my Dad I felt free. I'm not a city person at all. But I think country folk are much nicer people to live and work around though, very polite.

  6. Haven't been there for 30 years and still don't want to go back. I also found it very intimidating and far too busy to cope with. Mind you now I find that Dublin is not far behind what London was then, everyone in a hurry to get somewhere else. The grass is not always greener.

  7. Sure it has its bad sides...but you really have to love busy, bustling cities to be able to live in them. The buildings may be dirty with all the fumes, but that is the price you pay for growth and contributing to 25% of the countries GDP. Not only that, it is the financial heart of the world thus attracting billions of pounds worth of foreign investment. This in trun improves our lives.

    Enough with economics, but lemme jus say that I love London! I love seeing people of so many different nationalities walking down Oxford Street. Hyde park on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Angel, Camden and sometimes even Hackney.. all brilliant places.

    Personally, I cant stand the country-side, not a newsagent in sight! You ave to walk bloody miles to get your pint of milk!

  8. Glad its not just me. I can not stand the place , I feel unsafe at all times while I am there and its way to crowded. The people are rude and nasty. Thank god I dont have to go back!

  9. hate

    the tube (it is h**l), over crowded, smelly, poluted and way over priced.


    beautiful architecture, diverse, bright and fast, theatre, always somthing to do, shopping, great museums and it's steaped in history.

    people get the wrong idea about london through distorted reputation.  those who have never been there for more than a day or so are more likely to not like it than those who give it a chance.  but it is fast paced and not for everyone.

  10. Its a sh*t hole naparm the lot and start again.

  11. I really love London i go there 5 times a year.. and i live over seas.... Anyway it's gr88 ! It's like my second home

    PS: It depends on where u go, the places u visit, if u stay at agr8 hotel like Hilton London, on Parklane, and don't travel using the tube, but by Taxi, and take shopping sprees to harrods and selfridges, and oxford sttreet its gr8, especially if u visit leiceter square l8 at night, or covent garden during the day !

  12. i think you're a country girl. london is very much big city, though not as much as new york is one. i suppose you're simply not used to the place! personally i love london, although my bf, who is from the countryside, doesn't. :S

  13. Expensive, dirty, rude people

    I always have London-boogies when I've been

  14. I suggest you stay in the countryside. You'll never know the secret though.

  15. Born & Bred

    honest opinion := TOILET

  16. i hate it, it's overcrowded, Polluted unfriendly and not very safe in my opinion... I'll stay in the Lancashire Countryside where i belong :-) where the air is clean, there are Fields, and hills and plenty of grass and trees, wildlife and there are less people, and i don't fear for my life while walking along the street :-)

  17. But apart from all that it ain't all that bad now we got rid of that idiot Livingstone..Bo Jo rools

  18. I agree with Xkissx.  I'm American and live in the US and London is my favorite city in the world.  I've loved it ever since I first visited in college and I've returned several times since.  I wish I could live there.

    I guess you just have to be a city type to love it.

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