
What do you think of MR BUSH? If you had one question to ask him what would it be?

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What do you think of MR BUSH? If you had one question to ask him what would it be?




  1. He is still our president and I'm sure he did the best he could.

    If I could ask him one question it would be..............

  2. '' Do you regret anything ? ''

  3. sorry i dont waste my brain cells thinking about him. lol.

  4. The question I would ask Mr Bush would be what is going on in that head of yours you fool? wake up.

  5. I hate him. I would ask him how doe he sleep at night knowing that he is the reason for the deaths of many innocent people!!!

  6. is just like the others politicians, they're just like puppets.

    the question would be.

    how do you feel when you watch tv and see that your decision of a war attack killed child's and civilian who has nothing to do with what's happening?

  7. Why are you destroying our country?

    I hate him by the way.

  8. I think he's a dumb **** and if i could ask him one question i'd ask him to commit suicide.

  9. I would have a lot to ash the current president.

    One, I am so sorry, the list is endless, I will try to keep it short.

    1.  Why did you select d**k head Cheney to be your Veep?

    2.  Why did you listen to anything he has to say?

    3.  What does he control your actions?

    4.  Why have you not bitten the bullet yet, doing the honorable thing and fire Cheney, then quit the office of president?

    5.  Why did your parents not have an abortion after the face.

    6.  Why do you have brothers like Niel and Jeb that are both smarter than you, but the 3 of you still walk the streets.

    My God, the list could go on forever, but, I will get off my soap box and let the next person get to it.

    Thank you for at least getting started, it has got my heart to working again.

  10. i think he thinks nothing

    i would ask bush if hes teacher was a chimp.

  11. how many bomb you use in iran

  12. May I kill you?

  13. Why he is letting mexicans invade our country .

  14. A bad leader.

    I would ask him to define what a terrorist is and ask himself if he fits that definition since he is indirectly responsible for the deaths of many.

  15. are you a robot?

  16. You want me to kill you!!!!!?

    Even if he said HECK NO, i'd say tough luck you didn't give ma brovas and sistas a choice so u have none either.

  17. i would ask him,

    what the FCK is wrong with you, you tool ???

  18. I would ask him who the biggest idiot in the world is. In all probability he would not know....hehehe

  19. I'd just ask him why he's such a c*ck

  20. why are you such an idiot.

  21. i would ask him what is like to be the least respected person in our country.  

  22. How can you sleep at night??

  23. i actually hate him...i am against everything he does...i would probably ask him "how can you live with yourself knowing that you caused the death of many many children and innocent human beings"...and i would tell him to actually think..which might be hard for him because he's out of his mind...

  24. Tyrant.

    How will it be, when you meet your lord, what excuses will you put forward?

  25. I hate him, Id ask him "how much oil do we have now?"

  26. Well i heard a lot about him.. So I'll ask "So.. How did u do it?"

  27. I would attack him instead


  28. I think he's a terrible president. I would say that he's also a disgusting excuse for a human being, but that might be to harsh. I don't know him. He might be a nice person. Ignorant as h**l, but a nice person. It's possible.

    Anyway, I would ask him how he feels about destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq. I'd also ask what it feels like to be the most hated man in the world. Then I'd ask him if he's proud of the state in which he'll leave the world when he's done with his term.  

  29. What if ur wife and daughter were in Iraq, and all the American soldiers were treating them like they do to the iraqi ppl?

    Can i slap u with my shoe plz?

  30. Why arent you actually helping Afghanistan? Do you even remember that country? How your foreign policy ruined it???

    Thats three questions.. lol. oops..

  31. What kind of a name is mr bush?

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