
What do you think of Mandela criticizing Mugabe?

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  1. He was criticising Mbeki when he talked about "lack of leadership." Not Mugabe the spineless beggar.

  2. So typically African, Tell the white man what he wants to hear, even if you do not believe it yourself and they will throw money at you.

    The white British are so stupid.

  3. It is definitely to late.

  4. Too little, too late.

  5. I was very glad but will it make a difference? I do not think so.

  6. It´s pretty ineffectual at this point, Mbeki has to grow a brain, stop his "silent diplomacy" and take real action. The only way the African Union is going to get involved is if South Africa the superpower of Africa takes a stance.

  7. To be honest I don't know what to think. Only that he should have done it along time ago and why wait until he's in the UK?

    I have been told both good and bad stories about Mandela so I don't condemn him but do not hate him either. Mixed feelings on this one.

  8. better late than never

  9. I am glad that Mandela has spoken albeit a little late. The pressures from SADC, international community and influential statesmen like Mandela could be the last straw for Mugabe and he will have more enemies than friends. I can not wait to see what the outcome will be in the next few weeks and months. Something just have to give, it is just a matter of time.

  10. I agree too little too late. I guess Mbeki owes Mugabe for hiding members of the ANC in the 90's.

  11. The only reason why he did it was because he was in England with his concert, the whole world was watching and he was expected to say something about it. If he said nothing it would have been interpreted as agreeing with the fool Mbeki.

  12. It's just because of pressure from the West. Actually he loves Mugabe and wishes he wasn't forced into criticising his fellow terrorist.

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