
What do you think of Marilyn Manson?

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I Have a couple of his Albums and stuff, I'm Not a big fan but I Absolutely HATE when Religious Extremist say hes ''evil'' just because Hes part of the 'Church of Saten'. So many people pre-judge him just because of his appearance, its Insane.

What do you think of him? Do you like him?

Do you listen to his music?




  1. he thinks hes cool but hes a fool.

  2. He is mental!

  3. he's a creep. i can't believe he has a wife. looking at him makes me p**s myself.

  4. Hes got some sick songs.

  5. No, he's GOOD because he is part of the Church of Satan

  6. weirdo

  7. I think that he is scary and creepy looking.No I don't like him he scares me.I listened to his music one time and I had his cd and dvd combo and it freaked me out.I gave them both away.

  8. well all i know is he had half is ribcages removed so he could um..suck himself....:S


    pleeeease please help me, it looks like a lot of reading but its simple stuff! i really appreciate !just simple ramble and really easy points! x x x x

  9. Not heard much of his stuff but good luck to him. I'm an (ex?) punk & was always judged by the way I dressed but just thought 'stuff em'. Bet he doesn't care either. not done bad has he?  

  10. I think she is a marvellous songstress. I've listened to a few of her albums and, whilst somewhat of a cacaphony, the woman certainly has spirit.

    Oh by the way, if someone attributes themselves to Satan (not that he exists), it is by definition becoming attributed to 'evil', since that is what Satan is the pure embodiment of.

  11. he may be talented and i kno he aint satanist even if he was i wulndt care

    but he is a freak

    he removed a rib so he culd suk his cok

    he had breast implants

    he had s*x with a lamb

    and he whiped his asssss with the american flag

    he is a total wierdo

    but his ex was hot

  12. I think he's scary.

    I don't like him.

    And, I don't listen to his music.

    'Nuff said ..

  13. i'm a fan

    i do indeed listen to his music

  14. Hes boring and talentless.

    I cant't stand him.

  15. he scares me


  16. Some g00d tunes =p

  17. i used to like him back when i was around 14... i think hes misjudged alot and i certainly didnt get any evil messages through his songs...sadly people are ignorant!

  18. If I were you I wouldn't mind what religious extremists say, they r

    always wrong.

    MM begs to be judged, really needs attention. I think he just needs a hug.

    I like him better as a model than as a singer. He can shoot really cool pictures.

  19. I think he is a very intelligent and talented individual. Something mainstream music is lacking now a days.

  20. Stacie, that rib rumour used to be about Prince - nice to see an urban myth evolving.

    Mazza Manson's great: he's just some skinny kid from Florida, but he's managed to persuade Middle America that he's Satan incarnate - what a great self-promoter!

    Not too fussed about his music, mind, it all sounds like 70s glam rock to me.

  21. I think he is amazing. Bring on the thumbs down but his music has never made me want to do any harm to anyone. He has not changed my religious beliefs at all! The people that think all of that and that blame him for things are very narrow minded and can't think for themselves. Guess what if I was standing next to him and he jumped off a cliff, I would be at the top freaking out, but not jumping with him!

  22. i am 50 years old

    i think he is kewl as  chit

    i have most of his videos

    i don't think i would go to a concert

    he does pretty good remakes

    sweet dreams

    Ps  \

    he is very enlightend

    same as Ozzy

    I loved Personal Jesus  

    way to go lol

    People must push the envelope  whether we approve of them or not

    EXample   Larry flint  hustler mag



    M mansion

    with out these people  

    the world we know  

    is one of  robotic behabehave its because of people

    like  MM

    that we   you and i   can live our lives a bit freeer

  23. When i first saw him i thought 'Wow! Freak!' but then I saw an interview with him and he was actually really sweet. His music is a bit hardcore for my tastes, but I would never immediately dismiss him. As for the Satan stuff - it is so easy to wind up extremist Christians, sometimes its not even worth the bother!

  24. I really like Marilyn Manson. I have all of the albums and i love his music (especially his older stuff). He is unique and actually very intelligent - this comes through a lot in many of the interviews he has done. I don't think it's right that people just judge him because of his appearance or what he believes in.

    Everyone has the right to believe in what they want to, as long as they don't hurt anyone. He is an adult and has made a proper informed decision about being part of the church of satan, people need to stop being so judgemental.  

  25. Marilyn is the last REAL rock star. All the other rock bands out their are either copying someone or just being pathetic. I don't really respect his Satanism but that never stopped me from listening to him. He is creative, innovative, and a master at the shock factor.

    I hate when people who like bands like MCR or Fall Out Boy hate MM because it is well known that those two bands wouldn't exist without the man.

    Some people are obsessed about religion and music. I just say 's***w it'. I'm not bowing down to kiss Satan's feet any time soon - but I still listen to him.

    His music is awesome, but his new song doesn't quite fit in. Still love it.

  26. The guy is creepy but some of his songs are good. Beautiful People, The Nobodies, Heart Shaped Glasses.

    I would never go to a concert I know some people who have and they say he does wacky stuff.

    I think that people are justified in disapproving of him. I just take it song by song.

  27. I respect him for his answers he gave Michael Moore in his documentary "Bowling for Columbine"

    He said that he would have just sat and listened to what the kids that shot everyone had to say because it seemed to him that maybe if someone would have paid closer attention to these kids (like maybe their parents)  all of this would never have happened.  He said it's too easy for kids to get lost in music or video games, etc and nobody pays any attention to them or what's going on in their heads.

    I thought his interview with Michael Moore was very intelligent and I've seen other interviews with him and the guy is very well spoken and intelligent.  Most of the things he does is for pure shock value, just like Alice Cooper or Ozzy back in the 70's.  Really, it's no different.

    The only thing that's different is it takes alot more to actually shock people these days!  

  28. Marilyn Manson, to me, is a great artist, and has always been a great artist. I like the way he dresses, and the way he sings. He's calmed down a bit over the years, but I miss the MM craze. He doesn't scare me, especially his latest album, which was great. There's a lot of good songs on there, and show that he has calmed down. He isn't so Satanic anymore. But appearance means nothing. The nicest, cleanest person could be the most ignorant *** you've ever met. And I've met a few.

    Even my 45 yr old Aunt likes a few songs of his.

    I think I will always be an MM fan. Except of course, if he decides to clean himself up and start singing country music or something :P  

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