
What do you think of Matt Morgan?

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He's pretty boring to me. It looks like TNA is trying to make him a combination of Batista and Brock Lesnar combined. They probably told him 'You're going to be our Batista'. Just another example of TNA using a WWE created idea.




  1. Lol i was thinking that when i watched tna on thursday, "this is their answer to cena and batista"  

  2. BORING!  I'm sick of hearing about his potential.  I wouldn't say they stole an idea from WWE for his gimmick, as it's a pretty generic gimmick anyway.  He's supposed to be their powerhouse babyface.  He's not interesting to me at all.  TNA seems like they're trying to force the audience to get behind him but I don't think it's working.  He isn't a very good wrestler and his promos are boring.  I don't like him, but he isn't a rip-off of a WWE wrestler.

  3. I actually think he is a great athlete and has a great finisher and he has got a bright future with TNA and do you think that Abyss and Matt Morgan have formed an alliance now if they did who would stop them.

  4. i thought you should stick to Jim Cornetts personal assistant. He's just wasting time for me I much rather see Jay Lethal or Son Jay Dutt in action

  5. I don't see "Batista and Brock Lesnar" anywhere in Matt Morgan.

    He is a good wrestler for his height and weight, but he just doesn't interest me at all. When I see him wrestle or hear him talk, I lost interest in his presence, even though he's not horrible on the mic or anything.  

  6. He could become a Heavyweight champ. contender if TNA uses him right . But He could have became a Heavyweight contender in the WWE but they used him in the wrong way .  

  7. i think he has potential in TNA then he did in the WWE, they let him be hiself in TNA and in WWE they gave him a stuttering gimmick that was going no where. so yeah i think he is gonan be a big star in TNA down the road

  8. Matt Morgan is actually a very talented wrestler. I see him going far in TNA possibly becoming the TNA World Champion. He has a lot of potential in TNA. When he was in the WWE he was going no where.  

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