
What do you think of McCain's choice for VP? ?

by Guest10877  |  earlier

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Young and pretty...just like he likes them. His first wife was a beauty queen who divorced him after 15 years of marriage because he was cheating on her with his current wife who was just 24, beautiful and rich and just what he needed to fund his political career.




  1. You sound Like like an old hag that no one wants to socialise with

  2. i hate mccain, and now his argument about obama not being experienced cant be used because his vp is wayyyyyy less experienced


  3. McCain's selection of his VP candidate was a typical Rovian tactic.  He wanted to appeal to his evangelical base and disaffected Clinton supporters.  Voters are smarter than to be swayed by this blatant attempt to vote for a woman VP nominee simply because of her gender.  Palin's views are to the right of Jesse Helms, and the sooner voters are given more information about her utter lack of experience, the better.

  4. As someone who is going to vote for Obama, I'm thrilled that McCain picked Palin for his V.P. All the other candidates have already been opened up & dissected like a frog in high school science class. Mrs. Palin is going to go thru this process. We well see how she does. I also find it very odd that no other Republican who ran against McCain this year accepted the V.P. slot. I don't think they wanted to be on a losing ticket so they can run again in 2012. After picking Palin, I wonder how close he was to just opening up the phone book with his eyes closed & picking someone that way. This is going to be fun...

  5. she cool though, but methinks she's being used by the GOP. it was quite too obvious being a female and all. anyways, i hope she brings something to the team and should they get elected, i really do hope that she'll be allowed to add her input into making a dream come true for the many americans that look up to her...

  6. He is a dirty old men , not mention that she does not even know what the VP does , How funny is that.

  7. It was an excellent choice.  I'd love for Governor Pelin to be our President.  The only negative thought I have about Sarah Pelin is that her running mate is the most despicable candidate in the history of the GOP.  (Yes, even more despicable than the Bush family).

    The non-conservative, elitist, socialist, Rockefeller wing of the GOP chose McCain and Palin.  That does worry me.

    For me, Palin has moved the ticket into to a range that I actually consider slightly less evil than Obama / Biden.  I might vote for them instead of Barr.

  8. woww. what an idiot. hes 72 and he has cancer. if she dies tht woman will take  over america. and u rrele think tht shes gonna compete with joe bidon?

  9. I think that any attack will be met with a whining fest from the wingers. They will say the same things Clinton supports where saying that we are only saying this because she is a woman. It doesn't matter that her husband is in Oil or that she wants to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list because the bears live on the same northern slope that her husbands company BP drills for oil. Or if we point out that she is the opposite of Hillary Clinton on woman's rights they will say the same thing "but she is a woman" or some such nonsense.

    Mind you I didn't even touch on TROOPERGATE that alone should be fun to see how the gasbags on FNC handle that gem.

  10. She's a joke just like Obama because she apparently has more experience than him.


  11. yea ive been saying that about McChimp for a few days now, his view of a powerful women is one that can still give him a stiffy.

  12. Another question asked with your own hidden agenda? My concern is her inexperience in International affairs. A positive is she has run a government which neither Obama or McCain have done. I like her attention to the energy needs of this country and her positive steps taken in Alaska. I hope everyone pays close attention over the next couple months with the intent of learning more about Obama and Palin. There are a lot of unknowns about each, and some shady characters associated with Obama. Remember, this shouldn't be about a popularity contest. Instead, who can lead this country in a time that will be extremely challenging. Hope you will remember this point. I believe the world is in for some tough decisions in the very near future.

  13. She is smart and  s**y  and she will  pick up the  conservative voters  who  have been critical of McCain for  being too moderate

  14. Actually his first wife didn't put in the divorce papers, HE did. His political career didn't start for awhile AFTER he married Cindy.

    And, we are talking about Palin, not your deluded fantasy of how she is get over yourself, get rid of the Bush Derangement Syndrome, and get some help.

    She has more executive experience than Biden and Obama put together, has more accomplishments as Governor than Obama as Senator, and has strong family values (as seen by her son.) Instead of being like Obama and calling children a "punishment," Palin sees them as a gift from God.

  15. less experience than Obama and only picked to get female votes. Strategic pick only.

  16. She's accomplished, bright, conservative and a rising political star (even before McCain selected her)!


  17. No better than Obama's, but no surprise there.  After all, unless he chose a Democrat, he had a limited selection of troglodytes.

    I was hoping that at least Obama would choose a Democrat, but no such luck.  So now we have two pairs of conservatives from which to choose the lesser evil.

  18. I'd be more likely to vote for palin then for McCain.

  19. wow i thought this was going to be a serious question,i think she is more qualified with more experience and character then the other 3 candidates put together.

  20. I think she is a wonderful choice!!!!!!!!

  21. Who cares about his personal life? That doesn't affect him as a politician and should not be a factor when it comes to him being elected. Look at the issues, not the candidates life.

  22. Executive experience

    Palin- 2 years

    Obama= 0 years

    Biden=  0 years

  23. She to be watched very closely

    She is to be watched very closely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  24. She's a breath of fresh air to what has been a very stale campaign so far.  Don't you know that Hillary has not stopped cursing since Palin was named JM's running mate?  Plus she's gorgeous, and I know our former president Clinton, who is 3/4 horned dog anyways, is already looking for a way to get into the vice presidential digs.

  25. hahahaha. she's a joke. plus, mccain can't really argue that obama is too young or inexperienced anymore, can he? she's the 44 yr old  two year governer of alaska! come on!

  26. Of course, he didn't pick her, his campaign and the RNC did that. I think their strategy is to make her look like she's running for the presidency, given the fact the McCain has one foot in the grave and the other slipping on dementia. Anyway, who wouldn't like to have a beauty queen for a prez? It would be like back to Camelot with her as the queen.

  27.   I believe Sarah Palin is an excellant choice.  What is your point in asking the question ?

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