
What do you think of McCain's pick for VP?

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What do you think of McCain's pick for VP?




  1. I am thrilled beyond words.  

  2. He is seeking Hillary supporters to win the election.

  3. Any woman that can have 5 children and be involved in politics is a formidable personality.

  4. awesome

  5. I like her more and more as I hear more about her, she's great!

    whimsy - what a rude thing to say, it says a whole lot about your character. Your mother let you live didn't she?

  6. She's not my top-pick, but I guess I'm satisfied. I'm just glad he didn't choose that dirtbag Romney.

  7. I'm very amused by it.  Shallow and thinly veiled.  Just what women want, a conservative Pro-Lifer, LMAO!

  8. I think McCain showed his poor judgment.  

  9. Do not some members of the religious right preach that women are to be at home raising the children and standing by their husband?

  10. She hunts moose

    She fishes

    TV Sports reporter, Pres of PTA, then City council for 4 years, then Mayor then for 4 years, then Lt Govenor for 4 years, now Govenor for 2 years.

    She has an approval rate of over 80% the highest in the USA.

    Mother of 5

    Oldest son in the US Army

    Youngest son born with Downs Syndrome, they knew and still had the child.

    She actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany.

    Her husband is a real man who has won the snowmobiler 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race. 4 times.

    Her husband is native American

    Wow what a great VP

  11. she is more qualified than

    more days in govt and executive experience  

  12. Great pick ! Eased conservatives minds and brought a women back into the race. She has more experience leading people than Obama.  

  13. On one hand I am very happy because now we know Barrack Obama will be the next president.

    On the other hand it angers me that McCain is trying to play my white sisters small, as if they are so gullible that they would support Palin just because she has a v****a.

    He is such a panderer, amongst other things.

  14. I think McCain made a very surprising and bold choice with his VP pick.

    * she hunts moose

    * she is a member of the NRA

    * she fishes

    * she was a TV sports reporter

    * she was President of he local PTA

    * she was on City council for 4 years

    * she was Mayor for 4 years

    * she was elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors in 1999

    * she was Lt Governor for 4 years

    * she was on the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003-2004

    * She is Governor who served for 2 years

    * She has an approval rate of over 80% the highest in the USA

    * she is the mother of 5 children

    * her oldest son in the US Army (soon to be deployed in Iraq)

    *her youngest son born with Downs Syndrome (they knew and still had the child anyway)

    * she actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany,

    * her husband is a real man who has won the snowmobile 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race 4 times

    * her husband is native American

    * her husband is a member of the steelworkers union

    She is very good pick, she'll be a very good VP. She brings a lot up to the plate. And I really enjoyed listening to her acceptance speech (and yes I listened to all of it, not just a few sound bites. I listened to the whole thing) She is so right on...

    Joe Biden is the worse pick a nominee could ever make. He is so stuck up and smug. He thinks of himself as better than everyone else, a real snob and a boob. Thumbs down for Obama's pick, plus Obama snubbed & dissed Hillary.

  15. I think it's terrific.  She's not a Washington insider and  she's a real fighter.

  16. At first I thought McCain made a booboo until I thought about it and researched her a bit.  As the day wears on, I am more and more convinced McCain made the best choice.    

  17. She sucks.  I guess Britney Spears and Paris Hilton could have been his pick for VP.  LMAO!!  

    What an idiot McCant really is for trying to gain Hillary supporters.  

  18. makes no sense,

    I was ready for him too announce pawhlentty this morning.

    instead he picks some governor for two years from alaska, yeah, I'm a little ticked.

  19. You've really got to consider that Big Oil connection.

    " she was on the Ethics Commission of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003-2004"

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