
What do you think of Michael Moore's comment "Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven..."?

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Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore said Friday that the timing of Hurricane Gustav is “proof that there is a God in heaven,” since the storm approaching the Gulf Coast could disrupt next week’s Republican National Convention. What are your thoughts? I am especially interested in the thoughts of those who lived through Katrina in 2005.




  1. Imagine the fits thrown when the extreme religious said Katrina is akin to God striking Sodom and Gomorrah  - but since Michael Moore said it, it's OK to say apparently.

  2. I believe he was referring to the fact the the evangelicals had a prayer circle going nation wide to pray for it to rain on Denver during the DNC's convention. Michael was saying it tongue-in-cheek in response to their unchristian motivation for the prayer circle.

  3. well because many republicans were praying for rain to come during obama's speech in an open stadium..

    it's an ironic reminder to america..  Do you want 4 more years of Bush-McCain policy

  4. He obviously made a statement using poor choice of words.  I clearly heard his point.  He also stated that he wished no one will be hurt and that everyone gets out.  I'm a lot more offended with the fact that Bush and McCain were out in front of photogs eating cake celebrating a B-day while there were deadly events going on at that very same moment in time.  

  5. Michael Morre has made millions telling liberals what they want to hear. h**l, he's more of a capitolist pig than the worst republicans.

  6. Michael Moore, seems to believe that his opinion is the only one that is right and that he is so brilliant.

    God is not on any political party's side-- if anything I think he would dislike all politicians equally.

    Oh yeah, and it is too bad that he thinks this hurricane would be a good thing when it could possibly overflow the levees in New Orleans again and could potentially kill and displace more old and poor people.

  7. I did not live through Katrina, but I lived through Frank, a no 5 hurricane that destroyed 60% of my beloved town, and I wish this on no one, not even john mc cain.

  8. need some proof that he said that please. Give me a link or something.

    If he did say that, then it sounds like an ignorant and selfish thing to say. But I just want a link or something. spill it sista.

    I wouldn't be so cynical but lately I've come across a lot of bullsh!t on the internet and I'm getting sick of people posting their opinions or rumors as facts and especially when they can't produce some evidence. From now on, I take all political comments with a grain of salt. I'm not for one side or the other because no normal sane person is completely right or left. That's foolish.

  9. That's just mean spirited... and I'm not even republican.

    I'm actually looking forward to his and his VP speeches... Gustav stay away from the republican convention!

  10. I think people like Michael Moore, who trot out God only when it is convenient for them and don't mean a word they say about God, had better watch out for lightening bolts.

    I don't believe God has a sense of humor when it comes to people mocking Him.

    May I remind you that a LOT of people lived through Katrina.  Some made a lot of noise like a squeaking wheel; some did not.  

  11. Well if O'reilly said that about the DNC ( and he never would) the libs would be screaming bloody murder. But since the fat pig said it, they just laugh and play it off

  12. I always consider the source.

    He's an idiot uberlib that is only interested in his name in the news and his checkbook balance.

  13. What makes Michael Moore think he's so prophetic?  He's full of bigotry and nonsense.  I don't value his opinion in any area.

  14. Beyond awful, as usual.

    I also heard that some people wanted rain on Thursday night to rain out the Dems.

    I am a Republican, but come on, let everyone have their time and say and that's America.

    Moore's comments, are disturbing and unforgivable when thinking of the people of New Orleans.

    Maybe we could tie him to a tree in the path of the storm and let him consider his comment.

  15. Michael Moore is heartless. He doesn't care about anything but defeating us evil republicans, no matter what the cost.

    He said it on that left wing nutcase Olberman's show:

  16. He made a careless comment but he was referring to your people praying for rain. I am sure no one will have fun seeing the catastrophe and victims suffering.

  17. I think Michael Moore was being ironic based on the following examples:

    Two days after 9/11, Jerry Falwell,  took to the airwaves to proclaim that God had allowed the United States to be attacked because "the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the g**s and the lesbians" had tried to transform America into a secular society. Just this weekend, wingnuts from the Westboro Baptist Church turned out at the funerals of two fallen soldiers to say that God is punishing the United States in Iraq for its tolerance of homosexuality back home.

    So when Hurricane Katrina hit land yesterday, we knew it was only a matter of time before we'd be hearing from the lunatic fringe again. And now, here it is. In an e-mail message we just received, a group calling itself Columbia Christians for Life alerts us to the fact that a satellite image of Hurricane Katrina as it hit the Gulf Coast Monday looks just like a six-week-old fetus.

    "The image of the hurricane ... with its eye already ashore at 12:32 p.m. Monday, August 29, looks like a fetus (unborn human baby) facing to the left (west) in the womb, in the early weeks of gestation (approx. 6 weeks)," the e-mail message says. "Even the orange color of the image is reminiscent of a commonly used pro-life picture of early prenatal development."

    And in case you're not getting the point, the e-mail message spells it out in black and white: "Louisiana has 10 child-murder-by-abortion centers," the groups says, and "five are in New Orleans."

    These are just two examples.  It is very hypocritical of the right wing to say the nasty things they say and then not expect to get it aimed back at them.  Grow up, it was a joke.

  18. This is something I don't understand. Liberals are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of all people. Yet we have jerks like Michael Moore saying things like this. I also heard some liberal talk radio guy named Russ (don't remember his last name) making jokes about Palin's down syndrome baby. I don't get it at all!

  19. if michael moore said it was daylight outside, id go to check.  i lived through 911 in manhattan and the movie he made could be summed up in three words




    in otherwords the answer to your question is simply put...NOT MUCH.

  20. We should send him to New Orleans. Between his  combined abilities to deflect the winds with his massive girth and excessive hot air, he could be the savior of the State of Louisiana.  

  21. Have you ever heard of omens or signs? McCain and Bush were celebrating McCain's birthday while Katrina victims drowned.  

    I saw the video of Bush presenting him a cake while New Orleans was flooded.

  22. well, at least it's an after comment.  not like the wackos over at Focus on the Family praying for torrential downpours for the democratic convention!

  23. Basically he is saying the following, " the loss of property and life is less important than the destruction of a convention"   ...sickkkkkkk!!!!

  24. Michael Moore....does anyone even listen to him anymore?  I thought once he got the c**p sued out of him by several service members he did wrong, he moved to Cuba or something like that.

  25. Moore is as ignorant and obnoxious as he is fat and ugly.

  26. Imagine if a Republican had said that? It is just considered a comment when a left wing Liberal Democrat says it. I think it's terrible that he would want NO to be ruined in a hurricane just to mess up the Repubican Convention. Think of all the loss for those people in NO. He is horrible.

  27. Michael Moore is a moron...and he thinks he carries political

    He is also a misogynist!

  28. Michael Moore's weight is proof that there is food in his refrigerator.

    When will people realize that the blunder of Katrina is not all the Republicans fault? They had a democratic mayor in New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana was a Democrat. STOP BLAMING BUSH FOR EVERYTHING.

  29. I think the "news" media is praying it will come ashore at New Orleans but the odds are against it. S o r r y!!! I have studied all the past seasons and these thing usually veer off course radically as they come near the continent.

    It is hilarious how the CNN "team" stayed up all night broadcasting from New Orleans and the storm is in Cuba. h**l, they are willing to do anything to gain ratings and generate ad revenue. The media is sick and the FCC should fine them for trying to panic people. Such BS. As for Moore, well, he seems to have peaked with "Sicko" and is out of juice.

    My mom is a good nurse and says he is a very sick man. He must have diabetes and very likely has heart disease by now. He obviously lacks the discipline to get his disorder under control. I liked "Sicko" but not much else. Most of this films are all about him and his funky personality. He is a character and the star of his "truth" films. He needs to get really serious about his health or he will find out whether or not God is involved in Gustave.

  30. I am a liberial who is appalled by Moore's comments.

    But he is fringe element remember not connect to Obama or the DNC  in anyway  when McCain's trusted advisor , Jay Black said another terrorist atack would benefit him thats the same thing ( l lived in ny thru 9/11 ) And McCain's close political Ally Mike Hagee said Katrina was god's punish to New Orleans for hostin a g*y Pride parade

    I hate bush partly because of his failure round katrina but am not glad there is aother strorm and hope that it misses and if it hits maybe this time Fema will do better. I wonder whether exxon is sayin thank god cause they may be able to gouch one last time before the grand oil party is put out

  31. God works in mysterious ways and apparently when Stuart Shepard of Focus on the Family prayed for rain during Obama's Acceptance Speech, God had different plans.

    And now God is apparently sending Gustav to the Gulf to remind America about the Republican's failure to address Katrina.

    He also apparently had Republicans select Minnesota for their convention to remind America about the bridge collapse and the Republican's failure to address the infrastructure issues that have been put on hold since all the money has been going to Iraq and the contractors there.

    And finally, in what shows Gods really wacky sense of humor, he has the Republican's flying through the same airport where Larry Craig had his unfortunate bathroom incident.

    We are not to question why, just have faith he has a plan.

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