
What do you think of Michael Turner/my team?

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I am in an 8 team league, my team looks pretty good besides RB.

I picked 3rd

Brady (1)

Hasslebeck (6)

T.O. (2)

Braylon (3)

Marvis Harrison (7)

Jamal Lewis (4)

Reggie Bush (5)

Chris Cooley (8)

Lee Evans (9)

Michael Turner (11)

Grostkowski (16)


Chris Chambers (12)

Delhomme (10)

Johnathan Stewart (15)

Bobby Engram (17)

Ricky Williams (19)

Ronald Curry (18)

Laurent Robinson (20)

My Question is should I be worried about my running back situation and should I looked to trade a reciever or qb to get one? Because I am starting Michael Turner right now, and besides that I don't have much going on at RB.

Also my league is set up weird where it seems to favor completions .5 points per, and receptions 1 point per.

Any additional comments on my team are appreciated, thanks!




  1. I would definately have not tooken TO in the 2nd round, and I'd rather have a much solid RB. RB gets you the points every week not WR's. You should trade him or may package a bush/harrison combo good be intriguing.

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