
What do you think of National University of Ireland?

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University college dublin

National University of Ireland, Dublin.




  1. Which NUI are you talking about there are quite a few. Dublin, GAlway, Limerick, Cork, Dublin City...

  2. Well, I spent a year at UCD (University College Dublin). It has three-year Bachelor's Programs, and I'm fairly certain they are extremely well-respected degrees overall. If you want a more internationally-recognized school, you might want to look into Trinity College Dublin, though it's also considered far more "snooty" and upscale by many people in Ireland.

    Personally, I loved UCD.  If you're asking about a study abroad program, (or even if you're Irish and looking for a University away from your hometown,) I think you should really consider where you're staying more than to which school you're going -- the UCs seem to be on a par with each other overall, though I bet that varies from program to program.  

    I would say that Dublin is one of the best places to be, though, of course, I'm biased!  I think many people who went to UCCork will tell you IT'S the best city, same for Galway, and so on.  Dublin is a beautiful and fast-paced city, but that also makes it very touristy.  The College itself is large, a lot of fun, but also very modern -- no gorgeous old buildings.  Personally, I thought the student residences were fine -- pretty spartan, but that's what you'd expect from a dorm, and at least you have your own room.

    I took Anglo-Irish Literature and Art History.  Both departments were excellent, and I even had a couple of famous scholars as lecturers!  The administration is slightly less accommodating.  I found that an administrator in the English Department did have a bit of a "how-dare-you-even-ask, you're-lucky-to-be-here" attitude when I asked to take one course instead of another, which annoyed me, but also may have been anti-American sentiment, so depending on where you're from, this might not be a problem for you.

    Add details to your question if you'd like more specific info!  :)

  3. I went to UCD for 3 years, studying art history and geography. The campus is ugly, a real concrete jungle, and many places on-site are expensive for food etc - it's about a 15-25 minute journey from the city centre so they can get away with it as there's no other shops, restaraunts etc around. I found it a bit daunting, as there's something like 18,000 or 20,000 students, which was very different to what I'd been used to. But having been in another college since, I can look back on the administration and general operation of UCD and see that it was fantastic and very professionally run. It can be unfriendly, but if you make the effort, join societies, get involved and so on you should be fine. It's a respected university and the largest in Ireland so it's a good choice, as far as I'm concerned. Someone else pointed out the snooty attitude of the admin staff, and I've experienced that as well, in one of my subjects. I think it depends on the course, as well as the individual you're talking to. Good luck and enjoy. Any other specific questions I can help you with, email me.

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