
What do you think of Neo-n**i and Islamo-Fascists?

by Guest45483  |  earlier

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coming here to blame everything on Jewish people? They go on and on about rants of one Jewish group or another like they are "the" supreme divine beings and everyone else is infidel or dirt. Intelligent people know this isn't about Jewish people, it is an Islamic-Fascist and Neo-n**i issue.

They aren't just in Israel travel section, they are all over the place. The latest "ranter" is a 22 yo from VA, USA claiming to be Muslim and we already got the warning that they would be coming

and that they would be using our laws against us.

What do you think western people and governments should do about them?

And when do you think the time for action should be if not now?




  1. The leadership of the movement knows exactly what they're doing.  It was planned.  Our leaders are falling right into their hands.  If they don't wake up, our demographics will be changed forever and our Western World will be gone.  

    This will be reported anyway, so that's all the time I'll waste.

  2. Neo-n**i's have been around ever since the war ended.  They are an embarrassment to America and always have been.

    Islamafacist is a new thing comparatively but they take their Q's from the KKK and like clubs.

    The sad thing is that it has reached into the school system with teachers, raised by these bigoted nuts, spread the hate to students.  

    Such as this IL-logical Lolla.  Never been out of Virginia I'll bet, yet she knows how people live and act in foreign places.

    So smart she has all the answers, yet hasn't even heard the question.

    Like most of her ilk too afraid of intelligent rebuttal to allow discussion, or to be educated in truth.

    Keep your propaganda Lolla.  We have all heard it before.  It's like you are reading from a tired worn out script.  No original thought involved.

    I have no problem reading your tripe.  I just don't see any sense in making a multiple to deal with you.  You are a waste of time.

    I don't know OneT but I can say in an IQ test she would make you look retarded.

  3. Yesterday.

    As for the poor people that come here to trash yet at the same time block all the Jews who give them actual answers, why don't you go post your hateful questions in the Ramadan section if you only want answers from your friends?

    Lolla/"Logic" is a perfect example, I wonder what she thinks she is achieving here.

    People who hate Jews will hate them anyways and people who have a slightly higher IQ then hers will actually bother to read the answers, that's why she blocks us.

    She's a hero next to her fiends but has no guts to have an actual debate.

    I make it rain - There have been several peace processes made in Israel, yet the Muslims never kept any part of any of them.

    And it's not just the US it's all over the globe including Europe, they are bombing every place possible while their leaders call out for the death of the infidels and Islamizing the globe.

    I don't think it's all of them but this is what they are brought up with, you know that and you are justifying it.

    Edit - sorry JD!!!!

    I guess I'm a little paranoid lol :)

  4. I would like to assure you that i have no intention to rant, report or spam. I am here for a civilized discource just as you claim to be, no need to block me. If you do it will have become clear you are only trying to stifle debate.

    I take objection to the term "Islamo-Facist". What a silly vague umbrella term. I find it objectionable just as you may find the term Zio-n**i. Please such terms only confuse,generalize and insult.

    Tell me who or what is a islamo-facist? IS it a man who fights for his country in Iraq? They fight the occupation but the American Media so easily labels them terrorists and all kinds of names.  

    Please avoid such terms.

    I think Frankly the West Brought this upon itself. For ages now it has been occupying and colonizing uslim nations, it has had a policy of regime change and destroyed Irans democracy because its president nationalized the oil instead of handing out the contracts to the big american companies, the "royal family" in saudi arabia is but onother example of tycoons who look out for american oil companies and themselves not the people of the country they run.

    And there is Palestine in which the West made possible and was complicity in the Jewish take over of the region. So sad.

    When you make peaceful Rvoloution impossible, you make violent Revoloution inevitable.

  5. The neo-fascists are financed by somebody or some organization--I'd suggest to look into how these groups are financed.

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