
What do you think of Noam Chomsky...?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I Only heard of him a few weeks ago, but I think what ive seen/read about him is great!

Anyway, if youve never heard of him, then look him up..

and if you have heard of you like him? do you think he speaks the truth? I do thats what I love about him!

Heres a video tell me what you think of him!

bye 0)




  1. Provocative and bombastic, but not especially illuminating, from what I recall.

  2. If I had to be confined to intellectuals, then of course I'd choose him.  He doesn't tell me anything new though.  He just says it in a different, jargon-filled, intellectual way.

  3. This is the man we need for president. When was the last time you heard someone with that much common sense. But, nooooo! We get idiots like Bush. The video you linked was gone, but I watched some of the others. Thanks! love that guy. How many speak the truth any more? I try to watch the news and they yank the stories off left and right. I feel a noose around my neck and it's our government. Noam must have some good connections. lol

  4. Just another elitiest america hater.

  5. I find him very entertaining and insightful. He has a way to reword thoughts and ideas. He can be thought provoking.

    He doesn't believe in non-sense. He deals with the way the world actually functions.

  6. I think he is one of the smartest, most informed political minds ever.  His views on the economy and politics in general are spot on.

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