
What do you think of Obama's idea regarding immigration?

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He proposed granting the 12-some million that are already here residency in exchange for paying a fine and registering. Thus, they would be pulled out of the "woodwork."

Imagine if each had to pay a $1000 fine (and I'm sure there are plenty that would pay much more). That would be about $1,200,000,000.00 that could go towards education and health programs - not to mention that with Social Security numbers issued to these undocumented workers, they would be required to pay taxes like everyone else, which would in turn create more money for our economy.

What is your take on the idea? Do you think this is a good solution or is there a better one?

(Please do not use this as an opportunity to rant. Please state your opinion or what you feel would be a better plan of action and WHY).




  1. Any illegals who are here don't deserve a free shot. Illegal is illegal. They broke the law and should have to own up like anyone else. This isn't a rant, it's a fact.

  2. I cant stand this idiot and his extremely liberal agenda.  I think the idea sux, they should be given the boot!  He'll never get my vote.

  3. I don't know what to think of it.

    On the one hand I firmly believe that illegals should be detained and kicked out as speedily as possible.

    On the other hand there is the fact that I don't believe that we can ever hope to catch and kick out those 12 million illegals. They'll come back anyway if we kick them out.

    On the other other hand I don't want to be paying for them. There are a great many things that I'd rather my tax money was not used for but this is one thing that has not happened yet and which can still be controlled.

    A rather large budget would have to be allocated not only to catch and deport them, but also to implement what I view as the only solution for an effective border control (i.e. a way to ensure they don't come back), which involves guards equipped with night vision goggles posted on small towers at a one-mile interval from one end of the border to the other. Obviously that's not going to happen under either administration we're looking at after January.

    Giving a green card to all the existing illegals would also create a precedent and entice more illegals to try entering the US as well, most likely illegally, and then we're back at square one, except with an extra 12 million people on our hands, which in turn brings us back to the issue of border surveillance.

    Another option is to keep a satellite or two with infrared "eyes" permanently fixed on the entire border, feeding ground staff with real-time info so that squads can be dispatched rapidly to areas where suspicious activity is observed. Again that is great on paper (I think!), but not cost-effective at all.

    I don't believe Obama or McCain have a solution for that unless they want to spend a lot of money on expanding the border patrol.

  4. Its BS... deport them!

  5. technically they already pay taxes and the fine wont be a grand itll be maybe half that but ya that does sound like a great idea

  6. I think the illegals should not be rewarded with amnesty and all should be deported. I also think amnesty will never happen because we the people will not allow it.

  7. I think it is a bunch of bull to give criminals amnesty and that is what his plan is. for one thing a large percentage are either criminals in their own country or have a criminal record of more than illegal invasion in this country. these people are not going to come forward!!!!!! Second they do not belong getting an education here in the first place and that would not begin to pay the cost of how they have already hurt the educational system or medical, welfare etc.... And no with Social Security numbers they would suck that dry. Plus it is extremely unfair to the ones who come here legally and strive to be good citizens!!!!

    My plan of action, do a round up and deport ALL illegals and deport them and their families back where they belong!!! If return then harshest punishment of all!!!

    Any one voting for obama is voting against the United States!!!

    Report and Deport, Give no Support!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is no solution at all.  It is amnesty -- a stupid idea which has been tried before and it failed miserably.  A measly thousand-dollar per person fine is much, much lower than prior proposals.  That tiny amount does not even begin to pay the costs of doing the paperwork for these people.  

    Are you over-excited about a billion dollars because that many zeros are too hard for you count?  These are the people that cost citizens over a TRILLION dollars a year!

    Rewarding people for breaking the law only encourages more illegal behavior.  Amnesty, like the previous amnesty, is only going to result in more illegal immigration, more expense for taxpayers, more hospital closures, more overcrowding, more crime, lower wages, lower quality of education, lower quality of health care, lower quality of life.

    Besides, our sentors and reps promised us all the last time that there would never be another amnesty!

    Solution: depart or deport.  All immigration-law violators must leave the US voluntarily, or else be deported and have all their assets, money, etc. confiscated to pay their costs of deportation.  No excuses for lawbreaking.

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