
What do you think of Orchid as a name?

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What do you think of Orchid (awr kid) as a name for a girl?

Not sure I'd be willing to use it. Orchids are my favorite flower, and I just got a bouquet today with Orchids from my boyfriend as a birthday present. And I was sitting here thinking to myself, that Orchid might make a nice name.

I really don't see why not, since so many other flowers have became names. For example

Rose (My favorite name ever)

Violet (Love)




Dahlia (Love)


Heather (Love)


Linnea (Love)



Poppy (Love as a nickname only)

And I have Lotus on my middle name list.




  1. Don't like it at all

  2. Thinking about it


    would make a lovely name for a little girl

    I really like it and will be adding it to my favorite names list


  3. It's definitely unusual.  Maybe you should see how that name would go with your future husband's last name.  

  4. i dont like it

  5. I'd honestly put Orchid on your middle name list along with Lotus lol.  I love flower names (Violet is my all-time favorite, and I love really your entire list up there lol; don't forget Laurel, Marigold, Patsy, Hazel and Olive lol, though I don't know if Olive and Hazel classify as flowers really; and also, I love Poppy as a nickname for Penelope), but I can't really see myself ever using Orchid unless it were a middle name.  It's feminine to me, but I don't really think of it as soft enough for a person's name, if that makes any sense lol.  Same with Lotus; great creative middle names, but a little too shocking or unnerving, if that's the right word, for a first name.

  6. Orchid is a really pretty idea for a name.  Actually the more I think about it, the more I like it!  People will say that she'll get called "Orca" in school but there isn't a name around that can make kids immune from teasing.  And you could call her "Kid" affectionately, and that's really cute.  

    I'm not sure about Lotus, just because it makes me think of the flowers on the island in the Odysseus story.  Also the software.  But a lot of your other flower names are really cute.

  7. LOVES IT!!

    I like that it's a pretty flower and that it ends in -id (some of my other favorite names are Astrid, Ingrid, and Enid, so I like names like that). It's also a nice sounding word that I think would work well as a name.

    The only problem I have with it is that the word "orchid" comes from the greek word "orkus" which means "t******e" (because, I guess orchid's are vaguely t******e-shaped?). But I only know that because I'm a plant geek, normal people won't know.

    Also love Bryony, Clover, and Linnea.

    Tansy is nice to, but you didn't list that one.  

  8. I love the name Orchid! How pretty. I definitely say use it, Rose, Lily and Violet are way overused - but they're still pretty. I also love the name Daisy, Dahlia and Linnea. How creative... such a pretty name :)

  9. Orchid (and Lotus) used to be on my name list too. When I was a teenager.

    Now, not so much. I agree with your love for Dahlia (if I ever have a girl, that will be her name).

    Also, orchid is not a flower, it's a family of flowering plants. So maybe you should look up some orchid names instead and see if they make good baby names.

  10. i think orchid would be a nice middle name

  11. i think Orchid would be a better middle name and that you should pair with a non flower first name

    i super love Linnea Orchid

    and i think that maybe if you don't use it i might steal it...

  12. : P  Spare the child! She would be teased. Don't do it! I like Lily or Rose though.

  13. Well, I like most of your list.  Not Lotus or Orchid, though.  Lotus is too ripe for teasing--the lotus position and all.  I can see the appeal, but find that it wouldn't work in mainstream America, unfortunately.  Orchid is better, but I hear "Or kid".  Like, is this a flower or kid?  ;)  Cute as a middle name, but you have far better on your list.  Poppy is adorable, but I prefer it as a nn for Penelope.  Rose is beautiful, and I hope you do use it.  Violet is on my list as a middle name.  Linnea is gorgeous and sooo underused.  I'd love to meet a little Linnea. Dahlia is pretty, but I hate when people pronounce it like "doll-yuh".  And it's the next street over from mine.  

  14. I do not like that name at all, or many of the other names on your list.  I don't understand why people would give their child horrible names  just to be "unique" and different. You have to think about their possible nickname other kids their age will give them and if they'll make fun of her. Maybe if you gave birth to a 90-year-old, your names would be perfect and suit her well.

    EDIT: I agree with you about trendy names like Madison and all of those boys names used on girls.  I just do not like your selection of names.

  15. Um the others are kinda nice (except for some of them) but some names are meant to be for flowers only. I'm sorry but I'm just not to fond of naming a baby girl that name.

  16. Iris isn't bad.  I like orchids, but not as a name.  Violet, Rose and Lily are my favorites on your list.

  17. Rose (My favorite name ever) -great middle name

    Violet (Love) -great middle name

    Daisy -LOVE!


    Clover -hate

    Dahlia (Love)-ME 2!

    Daisy -haha you put it twice

    Heather (Love) -hate

    Lily-too common

    Linnea (Love) -me 2



    Poppy (Love as a nickname only)- yeah!

    orchid: a little too strange for me, could be a good middle name!

  18. Like it, very original.  

  19. It's stupid.

  20. Your right, Orchid is better than Madison. lol

    It's kinda nice actually.  Orchid Rose?... if your BF likes Rose.  (It has a better ring than Rose Orchid imo...)

  21. It sounds nice, but as a first name - I have read the updated comments but just saying - it doesn't look right IMO. I think it would be nice as a middle name though.

  22. I like ORchid, its sweet!

  23. I think Orchid is a beautiful name. Think of how lovely and delicate an orchid is. How could you ever think of anything negative about the name. I also Love the name Briony and I never realized that Bryony was a flower. I think all of the listed are nice, but I wouldn't name a kid Peoni or Petunia. I also like these names. Some are flowers and some are plants or trees.




    Alyssum or Alyssa


  24. No. i'd use rose.

  25. Are you taking about a Baby or naming a Flower!!!!

  26. Yeah, I think it's a cute name. I also love the names Rose & Dahlia.  

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