
What do you think of PETA's ad about the greyhound bus tragedy?

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PETA has tried - and failed - to run a newspaper ad comparing the beheading of a passenger on a Greyhound bus last week to the treatment of animals by the meat industry.

Here's a link to PETA's blog post about the Greyhound bus attack- the ad can be viewed there too:

I posted a comment but I don't think it will be approved. It looks like PETA's moderator only approves posts that support PETA.




  1. HUMANS ARE 'THE MOST' VICIOUS ANIMALS! (obviously) And proud of it! I'm sure glad I'm a human!


  2. It's hard to believe...I can't believe anyone would even consider the two are the same.  What idiots!

    Using tactics such as this makes any educated sane person not want to listen to such me, I would just think its convoluted  propaganda; therefore the organization loses all credibility.

  3. Wow!  I had no idea that this existed (maybe I live under a rock or something).  People will twist anything into something that supports their cause.  I used to want to be a vegetarian based on some of their "propoganda," but now I see they sometimes take things a little bit too far, as in this case.

  4. I think it rocks.  

  5. PETA are a bunch of morons...

    Personally, I find everything they do insulting to humanity... What next? Vegetable's rights?

  6. I can appreciate what PETA is trying to do but I think they take the wrong approach. I find most of what they do to be offensive. They use insults and pushiness to get a point across, which doesn't work for most people. Thats why everyone outside of PETA hates them.

    To use a tragedy like this to broadcast your opinion on something totally different is morally wrong.

  7. I think Peta is a disgusting, sinister and borderline terrorist organization. Destroying business establishments and comparing slaughterhouses to the Holocaust is not the way to protest.  

  8. PETA is the bottom of the food chain.

    If I was an animal, I would eat PETA activists.

  9. Peta is clearly demonstrating its philosophy.

    Those who say ignore it, look at PETA's violent past. Are they to be allowed to go back to their terrorist tactics and destroy and kill humans to save animals they select as equal to humans?  

  10. I couldn't even finish reading it, it's too ridiculous. What a crazy comparison...and I will no longer travel Greyhound (scary!!)  

  11. While I understand what PETA are trying to do, they cross the line too many times (especially with this one). When I attended a concert with my 11 year olds, they had strewn some very graphic leaflets detailing the slaughtering of cows on the grounds of the concert. After seeing this one of my daughters became a vegitarian. (She now eats meat). She wasn't given the chance to have an informed discussion about the merits of meat production, but was 'scared' by the leaflets.... a way it's a form of 'terror'.....

    there are plenty of ways to get a message out that do not involve such methods.

  12. Comparing the two is ridiculous!

  13. me too

    I ask them why they were so apposed to the consumption of meat as humans have been eating meat forever but they never read their responses just continue to ask for money

  14. Is this a true story? I used to work for Greyhound and have not heard about this.

  15. I don't like it. There is a BIG difference between a chicken and a human!

  16. PETA is not concerned about animals or humans.  PETA is a narcissistic organization that is in love with itself.  It has caused more horrible deaths than it has prevented.  Check with the ASPCA about PETA's track record.

  17. PETA is, and always has been, a group of borderline nut-jobs.

    Don't get me wrong, ethical treatment of animals and minimization of suffering, yes, good.

    But PETA doesn't stop there.

    PETA at present stops just short of wanting legally enforced vegetarianism for everyone and voting rights for animals.


    "i have supported peta for about 3 years now cause im a vegeterian for 4 yrs and i think it's aweful but i think peta won't really go big in its bussiness because not a lot of pple kno about them and some mean pple think its still ok to kill animals n stuff like that i mean how can u kill what u didnt create?"

    I notice you oppose equal rights for employment of capital letters and English grammar too...

    By the way, every time you breathe in you kill several thousand living organisms. Every time you walk on grass you cause agonizing death to dozens of innocent animals, and every piece of fruit you eat cost the lives of hundreds of free-willed independent creatures.

    Life for one creature (Us) equals death for others. Learn to live with it or don't, but stop being so naive.

  18. i have supported peta for about 3 years now cause im a vegeterian for 4 yrs and i think it's aweful but i think peta won't really go big in its bussiness because not a lot of pple kno about them and some mean pple think its still ok to kill animals n stuff like that i mean how can u kill what u didnt create?

  19. Wow, thats crazy did Peta buy the cannibal guy the bus ticket?

  20. Animals are supposed to be eaten. That's how nature works. Lions eat zebras, we eat cows and chicken.  

  21. PETA has become irrelevant, they are so radical normal people try to ignore them, their credibility was destroyed years ago.

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