
What do you think of PETA?

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Everyone has mixed feelings. I dont like PETA b/c they think pit bulls should be eliminated. But other than that i dont know much about PETA. do you like them or not, and why or why not?




  1. Just dave is totally wrong they are not dedicated to making people vegetarians.  I wish they were but actually they are not as strict as I wish they was.    They are not against pit bulls just the fighting.

    They are against hunting where the animals are tortured but I feel all animals that are hunted are tortured.  Most times the hunter doesn't kill the animal it runs away to suffer and die slowly.

    Birds are crippled and die slowly as do raccoons and squirrels and other small animals.  They justify it by saying well hunting license pays for conservation.

  2. I think it is a good organization because it is to help animals that are abused.  I never heard of them saying pit bulls should be eliminated.

    They said it is wrong to fight dogs for fun and sport.  Which I have to agree with them that is cruel.  To get the pit bulls started they adopt pets from the spca and throw them in the ring to be torn to pieces by the pit bulls to get them started up.  Before the fight.

    also, this man at work said they get kittens and to train the dogs to kill as puppys throw the kittens into the pit to be torn apart by pit bulls.

    There is so much cruelty attatched to fighting these dogs.

    From drinking to gambleing to fights between men and when their dog looses it was said, they don't even kill them as a mercy killing they lay there and bleed to death.  They are trying to get people to stop breeding pit bulls because they are used so cruelty.

    They are against the torture of animals.  If you lived in rural Oklahoma you would understand why.  They are very cruel to animals.

    They fight dogs, roosters and dogs used for hunting literally tear racoons apart, slaughter bears even those with cubs.  Have a set of dogs to hunt wild boar and those boar before they are torn to pieces kill half the dogs used to hunt them.  Out of 10 hunting dogs one man told me only 5 survive the wild boar.  He calls those dogs the sissies.

    They watch while the boars and dogs kill each other and laughs.

    PETA thinks that is not a fun sport, however they have not been able to get it stopped and it continues to this day.

  3. PETA has a 97% kill rate at their shelter.  Check out  They want to make all domestic animals extinct.  They also have been caught paying people to torture animals so they can video it.  Please check out the links I provided!

  4. i dunno they seem ok and they do help a lot of animals

  5. i hope they get stronger and bust more azz-holes for animal cruelty.

  6. PETA is a terrible organization  

  7. PETA is not against pit bulls and people who are extremely cruel to animals do not like PETA.  They were transporting sheep wrapped in barbed wire, in a very cruel way.  When simply useing a harness would be sufficient.  They were not against them slaughtering them for meat but the way they were transported.  They were able to get this cruel treatment stopped.  While the farmer still transports his sheep.

    That is what PETA does.  But many people who hunt and kill animals for fun and sport.  Find them objectionable because they are against them shooting the doe's and letting the fawns slowly starve to death.

    They were out raged that PETA was against this.

    People like to hunt and sometimes their dogs are torn to pieces by bears, wild boars, and the dogs tear to pieces racoons and other small animals.  Which hunters enjoy watching.  So if your into watching animals suffer you would not like PETA.

  8. Peta thinks it is completely wrong to own a pet of any kind at all.  No exceptions.

    Peta thinks that eating meat, wearing leather or using animal parts for any purpose whatsoever is wrong. No exceptions.

    Peta is made up of a bunch of totally crazy people.  I mean seriously crazy.

  9. They kill over 90% of the animals they "ADOPT". Steal pets and kill them. And really don't believe in domestic animals. They would prefer we had no pets at all. They are an extremist group that has even been known to poison animals on farms so that they could say the animals are abused.

  10. I love the idea of PETA. I think there should be more social consciousness about what animals endure so that we may live whether it be for our food, our clothing, our medicines (testing), and animal products used in everything from shampoo to Jello. I think if more people knew the fact and really thought about it their habits would change. I'm not saying I think everyone would be vegetarian, but maybe less people would buy fur or buy products tested on animals.

    However, like any other organization or group, there's going to be some radical people who take it too far or make uninformed decisions. While their hearts might be in the right place, sometimes PETA member do things that end up hurting the animals more than helping them. Of course, these get played out more than the GOOD things they do or the message they're trying to send.

  11. Why is it that any organization to help the defensless has lies made up about it and stories are told that are not true.  They are not against pets, they do not kill pets they adopt.  They are not against pit bulls.

    These are stories made up by persons who like to hunt and fish and are not against the abuse in slaughter houses.  If everyone was a crack shot I would not be against hunting.  But most hunters are weekend warriors.  We live in the woods and they come out here to hunt just about everything from racoons to squirrels to deer.  They have high powered rifles and it is more a massacure than a hunt.

    They have hunting dogs that regularly get shot, because when they see something they run out to get it and that takes them in front of the rifle.  I have seen them tree a mother racoon with babies and have a bunch of dogs.  They shoot them out of the tree so the dogs can tear them apart.

    Doe's are shot and we find the fawns shot, our goats have been shot as well as the cows and horses.  The fawns slowly starve to death when they shoot the does and they can't tag them so leave they laying there to bleed to death.  I am not against eating meat we raise beef cattle but the slaughter is humane.  We don't shoot out a back leg and let the deer run off into the woods to slowly starve to death.

    They come out here to fight dogs, roosters and any other animal they can hunt, shoot or otherwise torture to death.  They say this is good training for their children.  PETA opened up a petting zoo for the children which I thought made more sense.

    When they train them to hunt, what are they training their children to be, insensitive to the suffering of other creatures.

    I have mine feeding the fawns left without mothers, and bandageing up the animals after the hunters are gone, the ones still alive.

    Why does everyone think that is so much better than an organization that trys to help animals.  So they make up lies about them.

  12. I think it's goteen way out of hand..I mean, not owning pets?Not eating meat? C'mon now!Obviously killing animals unneccessarily is wrong, but we need to eat! Now, I support animal rights just as much as the next person, but PETA seems to be gone off the deep end.

  13. I dislike them.  

  14. I love any group that fights for animals

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