
What do you think of Palin's abstinence policy on s*x education in schools?

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It seemd to have failed in her own home. Research shows that teen pregnancy rates decline where s*x education is taught.

When Bill Clinton had his affairs, conservatives yelled he couldn't lead if he didn't have his house in order. Well Palin doesn't have her's in order either, yet she has all the support from the conservatives.




  1. To only teach abstinence and not birth control is irresponsible

  2. as brilliant as the "just say no to drugs" policy. But I'm sure she believes that if you make it illegal it will stop abortion and u wanted teen pregnancies. In her own way she seems as out of touch with mainstream America as the old guy.

  3. i think talking about s*x education is a good thing because then people know what they are feeling is normal and that thier are limits to follow and if thier parents arent talking to them about this stuff then i think someone who is a professional s*x councelor talks to them other wise they would pretty much listen to thier friends ideas instead of the authoritys ideas thats just my opinion from how iw as raised i have a mother will will talk to me about anything all my life but then i didnt really get any talk from my father when iw as younger some people just  arent as open about this kind of stuff with thier kids they need to know about condoms pregnancy and what is appropriate and whats real so they can learn not to make the same mistakes the society is making these days  

  4. OMG she thinks you should teach abstinence in school?  Um ... maybe that should start at home.  She's a dunce for even saying that.

  5. Bristol Palin, as a student in Alaska public schools, received so-called "comprehensive s*x ed", NOT abstinence based s*x ed.

    Sarah Palins position is that teaching the 'mechanics' of s*x and contraception, without ALSO teaching that abstinence is the preferred - and only 100% gguaranteed - way to avoid pregnancy and disease, leads to an increase in sexual activity, and that that inevitably leads to an increase in teen pregnancy.

    "Research shows that teen pregnancy rates decline where s*x education is taught."

    Well, that's only 'true' if you want to play a Bill Clinton "depends how you define 'is'" sort of word game.

    Students who receive "comprehensive s*x ed" get pregnant at a slightly lower rate than those who receive no s*x ed AT ALL. Both groups, however, get pregnant at a far higher rate than those who receive abstinence based s*x ed.

    Contrary to the spin the liberals like to put on it, abstinence based s*x ed does not consist of just saying "don't do it". s*x is taught, but abstinence is taught as a preference, and - unlike liberal run programs - the failure rate of contraception is taught.


    The askers "Additional details" are a perfect example of how liberals twist and spin the truth to try to say that an opponent said something she didn't say.

    He said.."...Palin backed abstinence-only education....", but the actual answer that he quotes is... "Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit s*x-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?"..."Yes"

    So here we see the perfect example of how Liberals lie by spinning the truth. "Abstinence until marriage" based s*x ed is NOT "abstinenence only" s*x ed, and Palin has NEVER supported "abstinence only" s*x ed.

    In "abstinence only" s*x ed, kids are taught ONLY that they should abstain. In "abstinence-based" s*x ed, they are taught about the different types of contraception (Including their failure rates - something that is totally omitted from most Liberal s*x-ed programs) but are taught that abstinence is the best, and only sure fire, way to avoid pregnancy and diseases.

    Teens who receive abstinence based s*x-ed get pregnant at a significantly lower rate than those who receive either abstinence only s*x ed, or liberal s*x ed.


  6. Well, technically it's really not "her" policy, people have been touting abstinence programs of one form or another since the Reagan era with the "squeal laws" he put into place.

    All of this stuff going on with defending Palin is nothing but the conservatives "circling the wagons". Of course, the cons are going to stick up for one of their own no matter what. Republicans teach party unity over all else. So why is this such a surprise to people?

    Sure, that stuff is pathetic, but yet all those people who are now criticizing Palin as if they are the ONLY family in all of human history with a pregnant teen in it should remember that this sort of thing can happen to anyone!  

    Human nature is human nature regardless of the politics and religion. We're all personally responsible for our OWN actions. No one can "control" the actions of someone people shouldn't be judged based on someone else's actions.

    Lest we forget, there were people who were criticizing Hilary because she couldn't keep her husband, the President, from stepping out on her.  Some claimed she should've left him and they supposedly lost respect for her because she stood by her man instead of divorcing him (despite the fact they also love to squack about how "God hates divorce"...

    so seems like no matter the situation people are damned if they do and damned if they don't...especially if they're in the public eye.

  7. I do wonder how she likes the taste of that foot in her mouth.

  8. Maybe if she had taught her daughter something other than abstinence she wouldn't be in the situation she's in now. Palin is in a dreamworld. Education starts at home.

  9. When fully implemented, it works.  It is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective.  

    So far, the schools that have s*x education also sport the highest teen pregnancy rates and the highest incidence of STD's.  Something is wrong with this picture.

    They should be teaching the parents, who should be responsibile for what their children learn.

    And the total idiots are passing out free condoms - how dumb??  The kids use them for water balloons!

    Besides, how can a responsible adult expect the BOYS to protect the girl?  If our bodies are truly our own, why not have the girls take responsibility for birth control and make them use something they won't "forget" or use occasionally - like shots or IUC's.

    Both sides of the issue are mostly irrational and do not account for the realities of youthful hormones and lack of mature judgment.

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