
What do you think of Palin?

by Guest62220  |  earlier

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I've had enough of the news, full of either hurricanes or politics.

Sure fine, but now the reporters are arguing with eachother. Absolutely fine with me, I personally believe Obama would make a great president.

This whole thing with Mccain choosing Palin, makes me worried.

She's pro war/guns

Against g*y Marriages.

Born again christian.

I'm afraid that if Mccain wins, he'll somehow get sick again then Palin will come in. Then the world will implode or explode.




  1. Yes...a lot of people are worried that Palin may not be the best choice to lead the country if 72 year old McCain dies.

    The reason Palin was chosen is because she is young, a minority, and has an 80% of Alaskans like her, which is a really high approval rate.

    A lot of republicans think that Obama is more of a celebrity than a political figure. My grandparents think I like him just because he is cute...?

    The problem is, I'm very liberal and I don't agree with Palin's views on social issues. That's not the problem though... the problem is that I like her! Generall, as a person, I like her. She seems to stand on her own and doesn't buy into corruption and excessive spending, etc.

    If I'm a democrat and I like her, then the republicans must be in love with her!

    But don't worry, the real people who decide the issues such a g*y marriage and abortion are the supreme court justices. If Palin becomes president somehow, the only thing she can do is veto. The world probably won't explode. :)

  2. The world will implode or explode if an ethical, honest politician who fights corruption becomes president?  I think you have a very strange way of looking at things.

    And to say she is pro war is false.  She believes in preventing war by having a strong national defense.  I suppose you think we should just allow terrorists to attack our country and not respond?

    She also realizes that one of the best preventatives to violent crimes is to allow trained law abiding citizens to arm themselves if they so choose.

    And what's wrong with being a Christian?  Almost every president we have had claimed to be a Christian.  It is one of the things that has made this country great.

    Almost every president we have ever had has been against g*y marriage and the world is still here.

    By the way, doesn't Obama also claim to be a Christian?

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