
What do you think of Planned Parenthoods who accept donations specifically for certain minority groups?

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If a white person donates money for black pregnant women who want to have abortions for example. I just watched this youtube video and was disgusted. you make what you want of it.




  1. .................I love my country. We'll do anything for money...even accept money from potential people who want to promote the extermination of a particular race. Even though he was pranking that woman, the same thing would happen with religions and other categories.   Sounds McCain.  But anyway, Margaret Sanger lives on in Planned Parenthood, obviously.

  2. I think it's a hoax, orchestrated by right wing nutjobs.

    I have volunteered at Planned Parenthood, and nothing in that propaganda video rings true, nor is there anyway of verifying it's accuracy.

  3. You know what is sad that this is being taken as a racist action by planned parenthood when the truth is I don't think those taped where prepared or trained to deal with that.  I don't know about you people but at my job I am not allowed to be blatantly rude to callers despite their personal views.  I have to tolerate it and it drives me crazy but I am nice to them.  Maybe so was the person who had to take the call from the so-called racist (a anti-choice activist).  What I found truly wrong was the deceitful tactics of this anti-choice group.  I do not like that planned parenthood would be willing to take the money from a racist but I don't think that they are purposely targeting minorities to get abortions.  Did you think that maybe the individuals who answered the phone were just willing to take money to help out women despite what the callers intentions were?  Its not like they force minorities to have abortions...

  4. That one caller should be slapped! Worse than slapped actually!  He's stupid and disgusting!

    It's racist because he thinks aborting black babies will help his son getting into college and he even said he thought it would be better to have less black people.

    Edit:Oh, it was an actor? Well I think any donation like that should never be taken. What if he actually was for real?

  5. The reason people donate it, and the reason people need it are not the same thing.  I dare say a poor woman of any colour is glad to get help with the cost if she needs an abortion - it's not like they're putting pamphlets through their doors trying to persuade them, it's just the money's there if they need it :-)

  6. I think it's awful... if Planned Parenthood really wanted to escape its history of eugenics, it would reject the donations. The intention of an act is much more important than the consequences. I wonder how many pro-choicers who donate to PP also donate to single mothers?

  7. Isn't that great? Dont you just love this country.

    Salt in the wound?

    Check MAlkin's column:

    Hey, Eleanor..wouldn't be cheaper to have given them a condom first?

  8. Take it from someone who used to work at a call centre. The woman was just doing her job. If she paused to preach to the guy about racial sensitivity, she probably would have been fired. I imagine she was just as disgusted with the call as the rest of us are.

    When I was telemarketing, a woman told me that she wrote Christian music, then asked me if I was Christian. When I told her I was Jewish, she called me "one of God's chosen people." I've never agreed with this sentiment, but I had sales to close; I wasn't about to get political with her.

  9. What basically happened recently is that Planned Parenthood was exposed for its callous indifference for racism as it pertains to abortion. I think that most of white, educated, mainstream America is totally apathetic to the plight of black women living in poverty. They see black abortion as a means of controlling the numbers of poor black people.

  10. I dont even have to look at the links to tell you that is racist.


    I've now looked at the bottom link and wondered how do people live with themselves like that.

    The one caller said "the less blacks out there the better"

    ? WTF!!!!

    Just another example of people in charge prostituting themselves for another cause.

    I am prolife for all races but even if I was prochoice I would still be very disgusted by this.

    They are taking money to abort a certain race. It's an outrage.

    I feel so bad for those kids.

  11. d**n, you mean Planned Parenthood makes a higher profit margin than the oil companies?.

    When is Congress going to make Planned Parenthood pay a windfall income tax?.

  12. It's terrible. Disgusting. And they use tax money for that. I wish the government would just get out of our lives.

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