
What do you think of Portland Oregon??

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ALot of people tell me they love portland.

Ive seen some pictures and videos it looks so clean and so nice,and

i like clean areas. To me it kind of looks like London since the houses and the rail.Are there any asians in portland?Because im asian and i dont wanna feel like i stand out so much.I hear theres mostly caucassions.i mean i dont have a problem with them but i was just wondering if there evn is a population of asians there. Also is there malls there???if so how many?

Idk it really seems like a friendly place but is it fun there??

like do alot people go out during the nigh because it seems so laid back.





  1. I love Portland, its a very vegetarian friendly area, which is why I love it! And the weather is great !i

  2. I was born and raised in Portland, went to college in Massachusetts, and have lived in D.C., just so you know where I'm coming from! I live in Portland now and I like it a lot -- it really is a nice clean city. To answer your questions in order:

    1. Asians: A lot of people have the impression that Portland is a very white city. I was curious about the numbers so I went and looked it up just now. It turns out Portland has smaller percentages of blacks and Hispanics than the U.S. average, but more Asians and people of two or more races. So Portland actually comes out less white than the U.S. average! Here are the numbers:

    -- White persons: Portland 77.6% . . . U.S. 80.1%

    -- Asian persons: Portland 6.3% . . . U.S. 4.4%

    I live in Northeast Portland and there's a big Vietnamese presence here. So much so that at the pharmacy where I used to work we had little cards so we could say things like "sign here" and "what's your name" in Vietnamese. There's "Chinatown" downtown, and the Japanese Gardens near downtown, but those attractions aren't really correlated with populations of those nationalities.

    Also, the west half of Portland is represented in Congress by an Asian congressman, David Wu, who was born in Taiwan.

    2. Malls: There certainly are malls here! Lloyd Center is a big mall near the center of the Portland area, and if you go out to the suburbs there are a lot more. I can think of three other malls and I don't even like malls, so there are at least four, and probably many more! Here's a site about Portland shopping malls:

    3. Night life: Portland is really laid back. On a Friday night, instead of going out, a lot of people are going to bed so they can get up early on Saturday and go hiking. It's also a very casual town, where you hardly ever have to dress up if you don't want to (I haven't worn a dress in 2 years). There are clubs, of course, and the night life has gotten better in recent years -- it seems like things stay open later now. But there's definitely not the same sort of party scene I saw in places like D.C. and Philadelphia. In big cities like that it's easy to find people out at night. Portland sort of has a party scene, but you have to look harder for it.

  3. Of course we have an Asian community. There is also a beautiful Japanese garden up near the Portland zoo. There is also Chinatown,

    in downtown Portland. And there is a wonderful Chinese pavillion with

    a lilly pond and a pagoda in that area too. I don't know for sure, but

    I'll bet it's stocked with Koi. There are Chinese restaurants in that area

    and I grew up on Chinese food on Friday nights from two of the places

    there. There is also a Japanese restaurant in the downtown core. It's

    been there for years. And there's always Benijauna (however it's spelled). There is really no defined area where the different minorities

    live. There are many Vietnamese living in the Portland area as well as

    in Vancouver, Washington, across the river. A good many of them

    came during the 70's and began new lives here as political prisoners

    freed from Viet Nam. The Chinese, I suppose migrated down from

    Seattle, or up from San Francisco where they first arrived on boats

    during the settlement of both areas in the 1800s'.

       Portland is a pretty city in most areas. There's lots of greenery and

    lots of roses. Portland is known as the City of Roses after all. There is

    something to do for anyone here. There are Mexicans living here as

    well as Asian. And there are Russians and Ukranians as well as the

    Americans who've lived here since their ancestors arrived by ship

    in the New York harbor passing the Statue of Liberty. You'll find a very

    diverse assortment of citizens all getting along to the best of their

    ability here.  

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