
What do you think of President Bush's response to the state of the economy?

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How can some one say the economy is growing when every day there are news on many large companies letting people go... American Airlines, L.A Times, Starbucks ... just to name a few.

What do you think of his response? Is the economy growing??




  1. Oil dropped $9 instantly.

    Amazing. If only congress could get it together.

  2. Umm...a look into what economic growth means would show us that yes, indeed the economy is growing.

    The general public is inherintly stupid. If they believe there is growth, there will be. If they believe we are in a recession, we will have negative growth. If nothing else, the optimistic speculation is good for the country.

  3. I can't freely answer to your question

    because if I do then all low life they will report me

    and my account will be suspended

    Americans kill the freedom of speech...

  4. He needs to go back to Crawford Texas and play in the dirt.

  5. He's just lying.  I won't listen to him anyomore.

  6. Hey the President made a speech and oil dropped 9.00, now here's a couple of things to point out.

    1. I thought according to the Republican Bush cronies, the president does not have that kind of power over the economy or gas or oil prices? All I have been hearing from them is why are we blaming the president for the price of oil, he has no power over it but now that the man has given a speech and the price of oil responded to his speech in a positive manner, now they are saying, look what a great job he did by giving that speech and making the price of oil drop 9.00. You can't have it both ways people, either the man is doing his job or he's not.

    2. So why now. WHy did he wait all of this time to give the speech if he can give a speech and effect the global markets the way he did yesterday, what the h**l has he been waiting for? Why is this man always so slow to respond in times of crisis and so quick to pass the buck?

    Yes, his spech is was a crock of chit basically but most of them have been.

  7. Bush also said that FEMA was doing a great job while people were dying in New Orleans.  His comments aren't worth squat.

  8. He lives in a fantasy world were everything is "Peachy Keen" and to blame everything wrong on Congress for finally saying "No" to his insane approach to problem solving while he vetoes their efforts to correct his mistakes.


    1) They have only a small majority, nowhere close to the 2/3rd majority needed to control congress.

    2) Republicans in Congress filibuster to prevent bills to pass.

    3) Bills which do pass have been vetoed by the President and a 2/3rd majority in Congress is needed to over ride a veto (see #1). Over 17 such bills have been vetoed-including funding for children's health care-which Bush vetoed twice.

    Thank goodness they were able to muster enough support to override his veto of Medi-Cal cuts of 10.6% to health care providers. Had that stood then Medi-Cal providers would have refused to accept patients-adding to the swarm of people force to seek treatments in Hospital Emergancy Rooms. In recent news vidios were two emegancy room patients who literally "died" waiting for treatment-one laying on the floor for over an hour before anyone checked to see what her conditon was.

  9. sorry but G.B doesnt know squat thats why he lost the election, its to relax the public, media is more truthful than the government

  10. Bush is out of touch with reality...  How can the guy possibly understand economics, when he can barely string together an intelligent sentence half the time?  People believed him before when he was lying, why should he start being honest now?  Besides, he's rich... he has nothing to worry about.  It's the middle and lower classes that are getting screwed here.

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