
What do you think of Primerica??? Should I stay or run away???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well I started Primerica because my RVP said that I could do it as a part time job when I was available, because i have a full time job and i thought it would be some extra money that could help me out. I told him i work Monday - Friday 9:30 - 6:30 and Saturdays from 8-1:30 he said it was ok, and I could do it at my own pace. I did all my hours and got my certificates. He started calling me and calling me to see why i wasnt going to the training knowing that i was at work and i couldn't make it. He started sending me emails on why people fail in primerica because they do not try. Its making me feel like he is making direct comments to me, what should i do.




  1. Prime America Debate Team has some good thoughts.  But it's important to understand that what your venturing in is a business.  Yes you can do it around your schedual, but you need to look into doing some training.  Without going to trainings, It will be harder for you to do your business without knowing exactly what to do.  

    I'm not with primeamerica at all.  Have no affiliation with them, do know some people involved, and do know what it takes to make it in network marketing.  I have my own successful business in the telecommunications industry.  Here's an article on home based businesses that will help you understand the concept, how to succeed and what not.  In my personal opinion, if your not willing to learn the business your involved in, or at least attend some sort of training at least once a month that will give you the tools to build a solid business, then you are giong to face a lot of heart aches not knowing what your doing, or how to build a business and you will probably fail.

  2. I would create a schedule you can work with. Most offices hold training one weekday night (Mon-Fri) and Saturday mornings. Training is there to help you understand the products and how to build your business. I work full time at a job and also do Primerica on a part-time basis. The office I go to hold training every Tuesday night and Saturday morning. I go to most of the training, but sometimes I can't make it.

    On weekends, you should be out in the field seeing clients with a field trainer, unless you know how to do appointments on your own.

    My advice is to figure out why you join Primerica. Talk to your RVP and try to schedule some appointments. Most of your experience comes from appointments because every client is different and has different situations. As for the training, that is going to help you understand the products so that you can explain it, but its not going to help you overcome objections. Its sort like college. 2% of the things you learn in college is actually applied in the real world. 98% comes from experience in the work force.

    Anyway, how you want to build your Primerica business is up to you. Either you want help from your RVP or you don't.

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