
What do you think of Rugby League?

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Not Rugby Union but the other form of Rugby. I love every sport but League is my favourite. Please do not bag the sport but give it a fair review




  1. I love it. When the Rabbitohs were on a bad run I used to favour AFL but now that they are returning to form Im really starting to get back into it. My family says they cant bare sitting in a room with me when we watch the Rabbits because they say im too emotional

  2. rugby league is great as its fast and plenty of skills theres nothing better than being at suncorp watching the titans beat the broncos then go back to goldcoast by train

    go the titans

  3. Rugby league is a great version of rugby it is a lot more skillful than union.

  4. I have played in both codes and appreciate the differences .I do not have a bias for either codes,both have their Good points.

    I love watching top class League for the "hits" and the ball movement,the attraction in playing it is that the ball gets handled by every player frequently regardless of what position you play in.

    Rugby is more "position" orientated with set skills for set positions (including body size).You have more "off the ball"influence on the game than in League.

    What disappoints me most about League is that every time they seem to get into a position to dominate sport in NZ they invariably shoot themselves in the foot.

    It is as tough as being an NZ cricket supporter in Aussie...we always flatter to deceive and come up short when it counts..

    I suppose that what makes it so special and great when we do win against the old enemy...

    Who ever they pick to coach and play, let us hope that they are the best available and lets get in behind them...GO KIWIS 2008...

  5. I love league...

    i love Storm whoooo......


  6. I love it mate - it is so tribal.  In cricket I follow Australia but if my home state loses a game it's no big deal.  But if my beloved dragons lose then I'm down until they win again (and if Australia loses a RL test I don't mind, funny hey?).

  7. Got to agree mate, it's the greatest game in the world, the weeks seem so boring and uneventful without my 8 games of league per week. The reason the game is so good is the fans passion for the team they support. I am a die- hard Sea Eagle fanatic and when that unfortunate thing happened in the last game of the year i may have shed a tear.

  8. fu-uuuck yeah

    rugby league is the BEST game ever played

    i cant wait for the season to start

    anyone who hates the game deserves to die (not literally) but they suck :)

  9. OMG! i so cant wait!!! i am seeing every AUS game for the World Cup

  10. I love RL, always have, I remember going to training with my dad, watching my dad play, the atmosphere, the smell, sounds, grunts, cheers, ...the excitement and anticipation of what was about to unfold before your eyes, than "BANG", the game has started...oooowwweee, I still get the same feeling now, as I write... We Love The Game...may live in different Country's now but will converse over the phone while watching the same game...My dad is now 67 & im female, need I say more...LOVE THE GAME...thanks Dad/RL

  11. GO THE DRAGONS i hope we have a better season in 2008 we done very bad last year i can hack Australia losing in the cricket but i get so upset when my MIGHTY DRAGONS lose a game BRING ON BIG DELL  and the 2008 SEASON GO YOU DRAGONS

  12. I am a full on AFL fan. But I think that rugby league is a bit boring. I respect them as big strong athletes, with powerful running and tackling, but the game itself doesnt require that much skill. Tackle, tackle, tackle, pass, pass, pass, tackle. And the occasional kick. I find it hard to watch a full game.

  13. Rugby League is the best contact football game in the world. The NFL is a great game but is more of a live action chess... Union can be entertaining, but rucks and mauls slow the game down and it becomes slow and grinding... thus penalty kicks become more important than trys. League is action on both sides of the ball.

    I find it laughable that someone who watches AFL would call it boring or lacking in skill. AFL... drop the ball (catching is optional and doesn't require holding the ball for long)... kick, kick and swing each other round like ya doing the square dance. Almost as boring as soccer and its trip, trip, oscars.

  14. adz u do not no what your talking about dude  NRL is way cooler not to be rude but afl is just kick kick kick kick kick and  kick it is preety boring and the way they pass is just werid i mean  just throw the god d**n ball and nrl has got lot more than takilng and passing like ther intercepts look cooler and alot more trust me i hav played both sports and Afl is boring i know people have different thoughts but i got to tell you NRL is fun to watch and play as a sport

  15. The toughest and most fierce contact football code in the world, i've played Rugby, Rugby League, Gridiron, even soccer as a kid (when we had to in PE). ITS FAR AWAY BETTER THAN SOFT ARSED AFL c**p!

  16. Great game.

    I just hope the Raiders have a better year

  17. i think its a good. i think AFL is abit boring. NRL is the only sport i follow.

  18. bunch of bogans having a feel and sniffing each others bums

  19. Before Super League I was a big supporter but now my whole family supports the Sydney Swans. In Canberra the Raiders have had dwindling support for a number of years. Combined with that the behaviour of a number of the players who think they can do whatever they like and get away with it (i.e Todd Carney) have driven people away.

    Having played the game I appreciate the skills and hits - however, in the few games I have watched over the last few years the game seems to have become run up for 5 and kick downfield. If your in the opposition quarter then you put through a short kick into the in goal to get the ball back. I think it desperately needs some rule changes.

  20. It's my favourite sport in the whole world mate!!!As much as people love to hate him,I think Willie Mason is awesome!!!I follow the players,not neccessarily the team,I've been watching league since I was 5 years old & played it as a kid as well,Go the Canterbury Bulldogs

  21. My Favourite too i can not wait for the season to begin and have all ready got tickets to the world cup.

    I enjoy the Union and also the AFL but give me league any day.


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