
What do you think of Rush Limbaugh's new 20 million dollar contract?

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What do you think of Rush Limbaugh's new 20 million dollar contract?




  1. Underpaid.  What do YOU think about the $ that Stern got in his contract?  Market forces will determine contracts for media personalities and sports figures.  Radio personalities that drive #'s of listerners and subsequent sponsors will result in the highest contracts.

  2. Jealous much?

  3. He got screwed-he's worth much more.

  4. Controlled opposition.

  5. Actually, isnt it a 300 million dollar contract over several years, not including the 100-150 million dollar upfront signing bonus just for signing the contract?  I think "WOW...what a contract!"  I used to love Limbaugh years ago...dont listen to him much anymore, as I have gravitated toward the center a bit.  But i am all for someone getting as much money as they can...the market decides such things and if EIB wants to pay him that kind of money, more power to the man.

  6. He is worth every dollar of it.  He adds some balance to today's liberal left loving news media.

  7. And this pompous blow hard had the nerve to critcize how much athletes get paid, I agree with the following article....

  8. I think there are power that be that will spend whatever it takes to distract people form the real issues.  Case in point.

  9. I think you are way off. His contract was for $400 million.

    Anyway, Rush is a great American success story. People say you can't make it and here is a guy who doesn't even have a college education who becomes one of the richest AND most influential people in the country.

    I say more power to him.

  10. Well, I guess those redneck good-ol-boys will follow him wherever he goes, so...

  11. I think that he'll retire before it ends.  The republican party is changing and evolving away from where he sits on the political spectrum.  Either he will have to change with it, or he'll become even more out of touch than ever.  And I suspect that once he's sitting on a crate full of money, he'll get out of the public eye and either laugh all the way to the bank, or sulk in private about how things "ought to be".

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