
What do you think of Saakashvili eating his tie?

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  1. I think he's gone really crazy & now this has become evident. By the way, psychiatrists say that too after seeing him eating his necktie. We hope he gets better but apparently not too soon.  

  2. Hilarious.  Thanks for turning us on to this!!!  He was probably talking into a hidden microphone asking for fresh Depends ( brand of adult diaper).

    He has made a very, very big mistake.  He thought his timing was great with the world's attention fixed on the Olympics to sneak in his little stint of ethnic cleansing and he got his chained yanked really badly.  Hopefully, Condolezza Rice is telling him what an idiot he is!!!-behind closed doors, of course.  

  3. He's terrified, nervous and probably feeling a little regretful. I mean after all, he did start the whole mess by killing Russians in South Ossetia.

  4. The press has no shame does it.  

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