
What do you think of Sarah Palin?

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What do you think of her. What i think i that it's worries me that if John Mcain, if he were to become president, and something happened to him she would be president. She has said things like, she doesn't believe in global warming, it's gods will that were in Iraq. To me it just sounds like she doesn't really have a good idea of what's happening in the wolrd. What do you think




  1. I thought she gave the best speech at the republican convention and that she's impressive overall, much more than the media gives her credit for.  (Great to see a woman get so far in the political world too, but I'm biased because I'm female).  I also think she's out of her league at this point in her career though, but even if she had 10 more years experience, she's on a presidential ticket that's opposed to everything I stand for, so no vote from me.  But I do like her.

  2. She's anti-choice, hates g**s, and doesn't really give a sh** about the enviroment, even as an Alaskan. Drill, Palin, drill!!

  3. I can't stand her.  You are exactly right about her not knowing what is going on in the world.  She is a right wing nutjob who exaggerates things she has done.  This is why I could never vote for McCain, because he chose to pander to the extreme right by choosing her rather than try to reach those in the middle, and the thought of her taking over is the scariest thought EVER!

  4. She knows her stuff!!! She is also a great speaker. The way I see it.

  5. I think she is realistic in most cases and down to earth. Although i am a democrat, Sarah Palin i dont think would be a terrible president. I disagree with her thoughts on global warming and iraq but i believe she would make a good VP if John Mccain does win in November.

  6. she is amazing

  7. I agree with you.  Except after listening to her voice, I'd vote for her if promised to shut up.

  8. I completely agree with you. Personally I don't like her because she is just saying what the people want to hear. And its pretty obvious. Listen to her speech with this in mind. I don't think she will be able to make any tough decisions where the country isn't only on one side. Please keep this in mind when voting.  

  9. she is just saying sweet words. she is not convincing from her speeches to her political backgrounds to hold the position of vice pres.

  10. Personally,,,I think it is great she is raising a   special

    needs child .

    HOWEVER...I really don't think she has the experience

    or ability to run the country.

  11. She's unqualified. She has HORRIBLE parenting skills. Her daughter's already 5 months pregnant by a guy and she's only 17.

    McCain should have picked a better VP. Palin's ruining McCain's rep. My parents and a lot of other people I know was gonna vote for McCain but now they are voting for Obama because Palin's unqualified and many more...

  12. *baby-machine*

  13. besides being s**y, she is the reincarnation of reagan mixed with Ted Nugent

  14. she is the flavor of the month. she will be gone from public life in two months and her family will be know for an unwed pregnant daughter of a right wing nut

  15. I am afraid WW3 is inevitable very shortly after John McCains inaguration day...

    Good thing Sarah Palin can lead us all in a prayer.

    I know the right wing nutbag Evangelical agenda. They think this is a war lead by God.

    WE are F*C*Ed if shes anywhere near the White House

  16. i think she's an ok person, what amazes me is the she has progressed as for as she has in her political career despite being an adult film star

  17. She is down to earth and does not say only what people want to hear. She is not afraid of a fight. She is not a puppet of the washington political/media crowd.  I want some on in office that will do what they think is right and not what polls say because polls are taken by the talking heads on tv who form the opinions.

  18. Sounds to me like you dont have a clue what is going on in this world.  

  19. Look at some of her speeches as Gov. of Alaska, or better yet some of her impromptu speaking.

    She's not the brightest bulb in the pack.

    Also, she's an extreme, right-wing fundamentalist. That's never a good matter what religion they come from.

  20. Dough, a dear, a female dear....

  21. she strikes me as a down to earth type of woman. i've never heard her say the things you mention. also, believing in God has nothing to do with keeping up with world events. i'm pretty sure she has a good grasp of geopolitics. at the same time obama said himself, i'm new in washington, i haven't been corrupted by the environment there. he's still learning the the rough waters of american politics. he doesn't have a clue about the treacherous waters of geopolitics. so, no real need to complain. the same way obama can surround himself with experienced people, so can palin.

  22. I LOVE Sarah Palin! SHE ROCKS! I hope she is president in the next election after being the vp in this one.  She is a good, strong, American woman.  

  23. Game changer

    Tell Obama next time he better bring Krytonite.

  24. more than half the world's scientists don't believe in global warming

    please note that Al Gore will NOT debate - just give speeches

    and that the last five years it's actually gotten cooler - don't see that anywhere

    plus she has more executive experience than hotshot who got elected to be a senator from a state and all he has done is promote himself

    loved what she said

    Some will use change to affect their careers

    and others will use their careers to affect change.

    the dems are in such bad shape it ain't funny

  25. all she did in her little speech was trash talk Obama and read a teleprompter

    Please answer mine;...

  26. Shes great!

    Shes a strong and intelligent women.

    And she has all the Dems running scared! Ha!

  27. She's awesome and just because YOU don't agree with her doesn't mean she wouldn't make an incredible President.

  28. Very cute and semi-intelligent.  She needs more experience but so does Obama

  29. She's a right wing extremist who wants to be VP of a country she'd like to see her state secede from. Her daughter made the decision to have her baby, a choice she'd take away from other women - even rape and incest victims. She claims to be a reformer but asked for huge sums of money in ear marks for her state. She tried to ban books and fire a librarian who fought against it. She tried to have her brother-in-law fired and now there is an investigation going on for ethics violations.

    Shouldn't a VP or President at least have a Master's Degree?  Republicans continue to lower the bar.  They don't want people thinking.

    This monster made animal cruelty legal in her state.  Her and her party sicken me.

  30. I agree.  From what little I know of her I respect her but I don't like her.  I definately don't think she is Presidential material, scary!  

  31. Batshit crazy.

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