
What do you think of Sarkozy's demand for a withdrawal from the WB?

by Guest56105  |  earlier

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He's talking a complete withdrawal.




  1. Don't forget that this guy has roots in Greece.

    The words Democracy or Isonomy might have a meaning to him.

  2. Crazy, Israel needs to get the Mossad out on him.

  3. I was looking at a Google Earth picture of our village in the West Bank and to see that huge Jewish settlement nearby was very depressing.

    They all have red roofs and their roads are straight and perfect while our village is all twisted with all kinds of homes in it.

    It's as if we're part of the natural landscape of the area and now we have this cube that's next to us and that is so out of place.

    It's just ridiculous how these settlers are trying to impose themselves on our lands destroying in the process the natural feel of it.

    We need these people out, plain and simple. We need to get them out of there for our own safety, peace of mind, and to restore the natural beauty of our ancient land, Palestine.

  4. what will be of Israel if they let gentiles to decide their boundaries? the green part in the map here

    and even from this, Count Folke Bernadotte the messenger of the UN, suggested to cut off the large southern part of the Negev.

  5. I view it with great favor; with Bush leaving office there exists an opportunity for major European states to get out from under U.S. foreign policy domination and chart their own course. I like his comparison with the long-term acrimony between France and Germany and the presently good relations,citing this as an example to follow.

  6. Now we're talking.

  7. I don't take Jews seriously, must be some conspiracy.

  8. He was talking fair for a change. Can he stand the results for being fair?

  9. i applaud him for his courage; however how much impact it will have remains to be seen.

  10. Israel for its part would become a FULL member of the E.U.

  11. I noticed that Mr. Sarkozy divided in his speech between two fundamental things ; he said first : the

    Palestinians should stop rocket attacks and Israel should stop building more settlements and then he said : there are two other things and that it is the refugees issue and Jerusalem should be a capital for two states Israel and the Palestinians .

    i think that's what's wrong . the refugees issue is the core that should be dealt with immediately and then the other issues will fall like dominoes .

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