
What do you think of Scottish Tories? Who are they trying to impress?

by Guest58371  |  earlier

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What do you think of Scottish Tories? Who are they trying to impress?




  1. What exactly do you mean Dr. Congo?

    The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is the third largest in Holyrood, although technically joint as my constituency MSP is the Presiding Officer, thus making 16 Tory MSPs and 16 Lib Dem MSPs.

    Although I myself do not support the party, 16.6% of the electorate do, in accordance with the FPTP vote on  the 2007  election, with 13.4% supporting the party for the additional member seats.  The party actually increased its constituencies in 2007, and indeed it's share of the "popular" vote for FPTP, when compared to 2003.  However, the party did lose approx. 12,000 votes in the additional ballot.

    I do think that Annabel Goldie is a strong leader for the Conservatives, and although I do not vote Tory, I do respect her.

    Although the Tory party is not a big player in Scottish politics, I do not think it's trying to impress anyone pe say, but then again it is a party that wants votes, so I guess it will try and impress as many as possible (out with the middle classes).

    Sorry I couldn't give you a clearer answer, your question was too general...

  2. This is Travel not Politics


  3. They must be such a rarity that it would be good to have one stuffed and mounted for the trophy room; he or she would then indeed impress my visitors.

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