
What do you think of Social Security?

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I think it's a scheme and try to think about it before you comment. You give money to pay off someone else who gave money before you; when it's your turn to collect, you wait for someone to pay so you can collect your money.

In the investment world if you take money from investors and then take money to pay off those original investors with that money and keep that cycle going; you get charged with a felony and go to federal prison.

What a hypocritical system and government! And yet society finds nothing wrong with this!!!




  1. Getting ripped off by politicians on both sides of the isle.

    I really worry about my financial future, in part, because I don't know if SS will be there way past my retirement age which I will start in 5 years.  

    Privatization is not the answer, if one wants to go private, then they have 401K's etc.  

    The politicians need to stop ripping off the system, borrowing from it to balance the budget, fight wars, add pork to more pork, etc, etc, etc.

    The politicians can get away with it, because they write the laws.  

    If they were under the same system that the people are, then they would have a vested interest to keep it healthy and robust.

    Therefore, the people should demand they get equal treatment.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  2. I try not to think about it at all.  

    The Congress passed a bill this our SS benefits to illegal aliens...

    There was not enough to go around before this happened....I don't plan on getting one red fact...I bet the average working American will wind up paying out more....

  3. I believe that it started with good intentions from FDR.  I think some people abuse it.  I have heard of people with complaints of mental illness thinking that my tax dollars should  go to support them.  I do believe in the elderly having help and not people abusing this system.

  4. Had Social Security as it was intended, it would be a viable program yet today. Social Security was supposed to be an 'insurance' program to help those who reached their retirement years without a financial safety net.

    Instead, politicians made it a boondoggle cash cow for everyone. So now people who have a million dollars in the bank, drive two luxury cars, own two vacation homes and take a half-dozen cruises a year collect Social Security checks. The attitude is, "I paid into it; I deserve to get something out of it".


    You don't "pay into" car insurance or house insurance expecting to "get something out of it". You pay your car or house insurance so that you're covered in the event of an emergency situation that devastates you.

    Social Security should work the same way: you shouldn't automatically get a check just because you turned 62 or 65. You should only collect Social security if and when you NEED it. If you're financially well-to-do, you don't NEED it. Once you're down to little or no income, no investments, no pensions, no bank accounts and no property - THEN you should be eligible for Social Security. Not one minute before! Social security should ONLY be for those who NEED it to survive and live with some dignity. It should not be used as an "extra" $1,000 a month to spend on your grandchildren or splurge for a weekend vacation.

    Government has also used Social Security as a special pool for anything it "needs". Between those two issues, Social Security is broke, when - in fact - it should have a preponderance of cash and assets to be available for generations to come - for those who NEED it.  -RKO-  06/22/08

  5. it was intended to be temporary but liberals have made it permanant  FDR had no intention of it lasting this long this is fact that is hidden and not discussed,  i say pay everone SS that is 45 and older and stop it,  let the rest of us have the 7% back in our paychecks to invest in our own retirement account,  SS is just a social program the government doesnt want to let go of.....

  6. one word: privatization

  7. it was supposed to be for the working class, but since the Gop guys lobby and cheat, they no longer need it or want it, and they wanna do away with it so the poor lose their homes.

    The GOP are anti-americans, who need a lesson from the Communists

    bush should be impeached, and his pension withdrawn

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