
What do you think of South Africa?

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What do you think of South Africa?




  1. In my opinion South Africa is in a Transition to become a New age land of hope.

    Please note "Transition", cause there are things that are happening at the moment that can lead to two roads .1 South Africa From h**l 2. South Africa full of Hope..

    Don't get me wrong, I know that every country has it's bad attributes. At the moment our country is run by Political puppetry.. Once we catch the RAT that is running the show... then we can have TRUE leadership.. I will try not to mention the name ZUMA...

    Call me an idealist, but I guess I look beyond the now and I feel that the responsibility is in our own hands. to make the deciding factor happen of either option 1. or Option 2 transpiring.

  2. I live in the USA and here is my opinion for what it's worth.

    It seems to be somewhat like the USA, but it is like the USA was in the 1950's when it comes to blacks and seems blacks are not nearly treated equal...that's what it seems anyway.

    I don't understand why such poverty when there is such wealth so near!  Don't ppl help each other????????????

    Seems like a nice place to visit, don't think I'd want to live there.

  3. south africa is defined by its beauty, character and people, not by corrupt politicians, murderers, thieves and other trespassers of the law. i am proud to live in a country that stands up for its people and their rights. south africans organize marches against crime by own will, not because we want to win favor from foreign countries or keep face. south africa cares deeply about its people. south africans want to make a change and together we can and will do it. south africans are humble and honest and it is because our struggle for freedom and peace that we will rise together when others fall.

    true south africans can see this country for what it can be and will make a difference, others will fade away and never be apart of the great change.

    i am proud to be called south african.

  4. I hate what is happening in SA, but it is still home and to me Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places on earth

  5. south africa is a great country to live in

    south africa is defined by its beauty, character and people, not by corrupt politicians, murderers, thieves and other trespassers of the law. i am proud to live in a country that stands up for its people and their rights. south africans organize marches against crime by own will, not because we want to win favor from foreign countries or keep face. south africa cares deeply about its people. south africans want to make a change and together we can and will do it. south africans are humble and honest and it is because our struggle for freedom and peace that we will rise together when others fall.

    true south africans can see this country for what it can be and will make a difference, others will fade away and never be apart of the great change.

    i am proud to be called south african


  7. There are two sides to SA.

    1) The corrupt government & crime

    2) The beautiful luscious landscapes.

    So lets start with 1 South Africa's ruling party ANC is now being headed by a corrupt, semi-literate rapist Communist criminal who believes that a hot shower can cure AIDS - hence the name Shower Power Zuma.  The ANC are useless and incompetent, they could not given organise a p!ss up in a brewery!! Never mind run a country. Jacob Zuma, who has faced charges of rape and corruption, wins the presidency of the governing ANC and shocked the nation with comments in his rape trial that the accuser wanted s*x because she was wearing a knee-length skirt. He also said he took a shower to protect himself from the AIDS virus after unprotected s*x with the HIV-positive woman who had accused him of rape. (and that's only Zuma)

    The crime is South Africa is completely out of control. With the recent Xenophobic many foreigners have fled back to their home countries because their houses are being burnt down, they are being beaten up and some even burnt alive! Car hijackings and house robberies, two of the sub-categories of aggravated robbery, increased by 6,0% and 25,4% respectively during the period under review, accounting for just more than one out of five aggravated robberies. Almost three quarters of all aggravated robberies are street/public robberies which occur mainly in CBD areas and the mega-townships where people are robbed of their money or other valuables at gun or knifepoint. Many of these people are murder if they refuses to give up their valuables. In Johannesburg - Murder has increased by 2.4% in the last financial year. However attempted murder decreased by 3%, rape decreased by 5.2% and indecent assault decreased by 5.5% . Not to mention the  hundreds of white farmers murdered!

    Okay enough of the negative and lets look at the possible of the country and what it has to offer. Enjoying the wine lands of South Africa's Cape is amazing! Kumala (my favourite wine) use the Western Cape’s abundant sunshine and only the very best fruit to create their vibrant range of reds, whites and rosés. Sun City is internationally renowned as South Africa 's premier holiday resort offering a multitude of attractions and activities to keep everyone occupied. With its combination of golf, game and gambling, as well as world class hotels. It's located about two hours' drive outside Johannesburg.

    Or visit the beautiful Mpumalanga, the name means "the place where the sun rises" in Swazi. It really is amazing! Having braais in the open bush and soaking up the sun. Is amazing. The coast as well, whether it's in the Cape or Durban it's the place to be!!

    If I have another opportunity to come to SA again, I'd not even hesitate to take it, even with the crime. It's a life time experience and you learn so much from the different cultures in SA.

  8. South Africa is run by an axis of evil - the black-nationalist, racist, African National Congress (ANC), the S.A. Communist Party and the Marxist trade union grouping, Cosatu.

    The rampant crime, corruption, black racism and crumbling society is a consequence of failed Marxist policies.

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